Chapter 2

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*last time on Adopted By A Band*

This was the start of my new life with Pierce The Veil. I can't believe it all started in a hell hole called the San Diego Girl's Orphanage.

"Vic wake her up"

"I can't she looks so cute"

"But we have to get her in the house"

"Then carry her"

"Yeah she doesn't look that heavy"

Was all I heard before I felt two strong arms slide under me and lift me slightly and take me out of the car. Someone held me against their chest and I was smacked in the face with the smell of old spice. I groaned and wrapped my arms around whoever was carrying me. I heard the guys chuckle.

"She's like a little kid"

"Well she's only twelve Jaime so it's to be expected."

"Yeah but she's so cute!"

They all chuckled again. I was annoyed with all their talking so I whined and held on
tighter to whoever was carrying me.

"Looks like she's starting to wake up Vic. Take her inside I'll get her bag and board"

"Thanks Mike"

With that Vic started walking away. I heard him unlock the door and walk inside. I decided that now would be a good time to actually wake up. I opened my eyes and rubbed them while yawning. Vic stopped and looked down at me worried.

"I'm sorry did I wake you up?" He asked.

"No. I've been up for a while but I just didn't want to get up" I said smiling. And Vic chuckled.

"You sneaky little bug." He laughed. I giggled then smiled at him triumphantly.

"Then I guess I don't need to carry you anymore" he said putting me down.

"No" I said burying my face in his shoulder and holding on to him tighter.

I heard him laugh and the door open. I looked over his shoulder and saw Mike, Jaime, and Tony walking in laughing. They saw us and smiled.

"Was she awake the whole time?" Asked Mike.

"Yep" I said popping the p.

"We have a sneaky one on our hands boys we better watch out" said Tony and I giggled.

"How about we go sit down and we can get to know you a bit more?" Said Vic. I nodded.

Vic put me down and kissed my head. The boys came over and gave me hugs. We all went into the living room and sat on the couch. When I sat down Tony sat next to me and pulled me into his lap. I was a bit surprised when he did this but since he did it I guess he had no problem with it so I just leaned back on him. Vic sat on our right, Jaime on our left and then Mike sat on the floor in front of us.

"So what do you guys want to know about me?" I said playing with Tony's fingers.

"Well how about you tell us why you were in there?" Said Jaime. I nodded.

"Well I was put in there when I was about ten because I had woken up from a three month coma and I didn't have any family I guess. I really don't remember that much but the only thing I remember clearly was a hand with three stars tattooed on it." I said as I used Tony's hand to show them where the tattoos were starting from the middle of his thumb and pointer finger to his wrist. 

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