Chapter 4

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*last time on Adopted By A Band*

I closed her door and looked at her name board. I studied the little drawing she had drawn of us. Suddenly I got an idea. I ran downstairs and saw the guys in the living room. I told them my idea and they agreed.

Oh Adrien was going to love this surprise

~Adrien's P.O.V~

When I woke up I found myself in my bed. I was remembering the conversation me and Jaime had last night and I sighed. After he tells the guys I'm pretty sure they're going to want to take me back. I sighed again and got out of bed. I opened my door and walked downstairs. To my surprise I couldn't find the guys anywhere. I went back upstairs and checked in their rooms but they weren't there either. I started to freak out and started running up and down the stairs searching every room again and again.

"Vic? Jaime?" I called.

No reply.

"Uncle turtle?" I called.

Again no reply.

"Mikey? Uncle Mike?" I called.

For the third time no reply.

"Mike! Vic! Tony! Jaime! Answer me please!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs.

"Please guys this isn't funny!" I cried.

I started to hyperventilate. This all felt too familiar to me for some reason. I started running down the stairs but then my foot slipped and I started to fall. My butt hit the stairs and I slid all the way down. On the last few steps I tried to stop myself by putting my foot out but instead I ended up falling on my face. When I got to the bottom of the stairs my whole body ached. I started to cry as I laid there at the foot of the stairs.

"Daddy!" Was the last thing I yelled before I blacked out.

~Vic's P.O.V~

Last night Jaime told us he had an idea to surprise Adrien. Obviously we agreed to it since we wanted to make Adrien happy with us. Jaime hand an idea that we make Adrien an art/music studio. His original idea was to make her an art studio but then I remembered that she said she could play some instruments so I said we should make her a music studio too. We all decided that was a good idea so we stayed up all night and made the layout for the room. We were going to use the attic so that she could have a lot of room.

This morning we all woke up early so that we could go get the stuff for Adrien's studio. The first place we went to was Hobby Lobby. He got a bunch of paints, paint brushes, canvases, a bunch of cans of spray paint, sketch pads, pencils, two hand sharpeners, a pack of erasers, an art easel, and two paint pallets. I remembered that she said she was going to study fashion design so I got her ten different fabrics, thread, needles, ribbon, buttons, and a sewing machine. After we found everything we paid and left.

Next we went to Guitar Center. We tried to remember what instruments Adrien said she played but we failed so we just decided to get her any instrument. Mike got her a red and black drum set and two packs of drum sticks. Tony got her an electric guitar that was all white then had black stripes on it randomly. Jaime got her an 88 key keyboard. Then finally, I got her a dark wood ukelele. I got all of our names engraved on the back with a small heart next to hers. When we finished paying we decided to grab some food then go home to get everything to the attic before Adrien woke up.

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