Chapter 20

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*last time on Adopted By A Band*

"I give you my blessing"

I looked up at mike with confusion written all over my face.

"Blessing for what?" I asked.

"To have Adrien" he said smiling.

I was shocked with what he was saying. Did he seriously just say that he supports my feelings for Adrien? I know that I'll have to wait four years for her but it's worth every second. I got up and gave mike a big hug thanking him and went next door to Adrien's room. I knocked on the door and heard Vic say come in. I came in and closed the door behind me walking over to Adrien's bed and stood next to Vic in his chair.

"I've been talking to her" Vic said.

"I was telling her about how worried Tony was that he broke down in front of the cop. And how Jaime looks and moves like a robot because of what's happened" it was easy to tell that he was fighting back the tears. His voice was wavering and cracking. "I told her about how mike will be fine. How I'll be waiting for her when she wakes up. And I even told her about you."

I snapped my head in his direction. Tears were running down his face as he smiled never taking his eyes off his daughter.

"I told her about how you were so worried that you did nothing but pace around and cry. You wouldn't eat, sleep or sit down if we asked you to. I even made fun of how she would have reacted." He said letting out a soft laugh. I chuckled too.

"I can see that she loves you Bryce. It probably the one thing that she will never be able to hide and we all know how good she is at hiding things." He chuckled.

He let out a sigh before he let go of her hand and stood up. I stood at six foot so I had to look down at Vic. It almost made me laugh seeing how short he was. He turned to me and grabbed my shoulders firmly.

"I'm guessing you feel the same way towards her?" He asked smiling. I simply stood there. He nodded and patted my shoulders.

"I made you her body guard for a reason Bryce. I know you would do anything for my daughter so I'll give her to you. But the moment you turn your eyes from her is the moment I take her back so treat her right." With that he walked away and left me with Adrien. I heard him open the door.

"One last ting." I turned to him letting him know I was listening. "I'm expecting to be the grandpa of three boys and a girl" he flashed me one last smile before leaving the room.

I shook my head and sat in the chair next to Adrien's bed. I took her hand and gave her small hands a kiss. I held her hand up to my cheek hopping to feel warmth but all I got was coldness. Everything started hitting me like a ton of bricks all over again as tears spilled from my eyes once more.

"Hey Adrianna" I sniffled " how long will you be away from me?" I asked. I waited a moment expecting an answer. "I'll be right here waiting for you. I promise" I kissed her hand one more time before I fell asleep in the chair next to her bed.

Four days later

It's been four days since Adrien came out of surgery from when the dipshit asshole Ricardo shot her. Four days since I've been outside this room. Four days since Vic and Mike gave me there blessings to have Adrien. Four goddamn fucking days since that doctor said that she would not most likely wake up for maybe a week and since then she's shown no signs of improvement. In fact it quiet the opposite of that.

Two nights Adrien's heart stopped for maybe five seconds but it was enough to have everyone worried. And enough for me to almost die too seeing how it happened when I was about to go to sleep. That scared me shitless and now I'm not sleeping.

At this point I'm starting to lose my mind. And anyone can tell just by taking a glance at me. But today was the day that I really lost it. I saw sitting in my usual chair and held Adrien's hand like I always did. I talked to her about things like the future or I would tell her jokes when all of a sudden her heart monitor went flat I ran to the door and started calling for help. Within a few seconds there were three nurses and two doctors in there trying to restart her heart. One of the nurses tried to get me out of the room but I wouldn't have it and stayed right where I was crying for her to wake up and to come back to me.

I felt four different pairs of arms grab onto me and pull me out of the room but I didn't budge. Suddenly everything stopped when the sound of a steady heart beat was heard. I shook off the arms and rushed back to Adrien's side crying my heart out. Everyone left and I was alone again with her.

"Please don't do that again! Please don't leave me Adrien. I need you baby. Please."

I kissed her hand, her scars, her forehead, her eyes, her nose, her cheeks. I showered her with kisses and tears as i cried over her. Finally I rested my head against her forehead and I kissed her soft pale lips. Salty tears were mixed in with her taste.

"I need you. I miss you. I want you." I pulled back just enough to see all of her face before I continued. "I love you, Adrianna" I kissed her lips one last time before I sat back in my chair and put my head on the bed. 

"You are such a bad kisser. What happen to that kiss I gave you in that linen closet"

I looked up to see her smile. Her eyes. Oh those beautiful dark sparkling jewels that light every time she smiles. That smile that causes those adorable little dimples to form near the corners of her mouth. I've waited for what seems like eternity to see those eyes of sapphire again, to see them staring at me with love and kindness. How I've waited so long to get lost in those galaxy pools every time I gaze into them. I couldn't help but smile seeing her again.

"Adrianna?" I whispered.

"I love you too Bryson David Kowalski." She chuckled sounding  awful.

"You sound awful you know?" I chuckled. She rolled her eyes and me and squeezed my hand.

"Just shut up and kiss me dickface"

I smiled and I cupped her face capturing her lips but this time savoring her taste and warmth. I could feel her grinning into the kiss and I couldn't help but smile too. I finally got the girl I love back and she's ok. She's kissing me right now and quite frankly that's all that matters to me. We pulled away and I climbed into the bed next to her. I opened my arms so that she could snuggle in against me. To my surprise her small little body fit to mine perfectly. Like that we fell asleep and all I could think about is how I'm the luckiest guy on the face of the earth.

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