Chapter 3

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*last time on Adopted By A Band*

I looked at the guys and smiled to myself. I may not remember a thing from my old life but I'm happy I have them now. Right now I was probably the happiest person alive with my new family.

We were watching Deadpool and I was sitting in Vic's lap when suddenly my stomach growled. And let's just say that it wasn't as subtle as I would have liked it to be. All the guys looked at me and My cheeks burned a bright red.

"Are you hungry bug?" Asked Vic chuckling a little. I nodded a bit.

"When was the last time you ate?" Asked Tony.

"This morning after I woke up" I lied. I haven't eaten in a week but there was no way in hell I was going to tell them that. Besides I wasn't wrong. When i woke up a week ago I did eat right after I woke up.

"What did you have?"

"Just an apple and a granola bar" the guys gasped at my response. Again, not lying. I did have an apple and a granola bar.

"Oh no baby girl we are taking you to a buffet and we are eating all the food we can." Said Vic.

"Yes Golden Corral here we come!" Yelled Jaime.

We all got up and went to the car. We piled in and we drove to the nearest Golden Corral. Much to my surprise it wasn't that crowded like it usually is when I used see it as I walked to the orphanage after school. We found a parking spot and got out of the car. When I got out of the car Mike crouched in front of me. I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"Mike what are you doing?" I asked.

"What else does it look like? I'm going to give you a piggyback ride so hush up and jump on my back" he said. I smiled and jumped on his back. When he stood up I started giggling hysterically because I was so far from the ground.

"Mike I swear if you drop my daughter I will beat the living shit out of you" said Vic glaring at Mike.

"Don't worry I won't drop her" he said rolling his eyes.

"Giddy up Giraffe" I giggled.

He smiled and started running towards the restaurant. I could hear Vic yelling at us and I laughed even more. Eventually the others caught up with us and Mike put me down. Vic was glaring at Mike and scolding him about what could have happened if he dropped me. I felt bad for Mike and so I jumped on Vic's back making him loose his balance for a moment.

"Adrien what are you doing?" He laughed.

"I'm giving you a full body hug. What else does it look like?" I grinned. He shook his head and smiled at me.

"You're a really jumpy one aren't you bug?" He asked me. I shrugged at him. I took of my beanie and put in in my back pocket then took his SnapBack and put it on myself. I then jumped off his back giggling. "Hey!" He called as I ran behind Tony.

"Turtle save me!" I yelled. Tony turned around and locked me in a hug.

"You can't hurt the baby turtle Vic!" He said.

"I just want my hat back" he whined.

We all laughed at him being childish. I got out of Tony's hug and walked over to Vic. I took my beanie out from my back pocket and handed it to him. He smiled at he took it and put it on.

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