Chapter 15

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*last time on Adopted By A Band*

Vic. Mike. Tony. Jaime. I promise you guys that I will get back to you guys so we can live a normal life as a family. So we can go back to how it was before all this happened. I have faith that you guys will find me and put Ricardo in jail.
While we were walking down through the halls I kept glancing at Bryce every now and then. Many questions flooded my mind but I never said anything. It was like he sensed me staring at him because he looked back and chuckled causing me to look at the ground.

"What are your questions?" He asked. I smiled a little feeling like he read my mind. I decided to go with the most simplest question.

"How old are you?" I asked.


"Why are you helping me?"

"I told you. Because it's not right to be treated the way you are." I rolled my eyes at his response.

"That's not why. You can fool me. I'm the most skilled and youngest assassin on the face of the earth I can catch a lie like nothing" I heard him sigh.

"You're different from the rest. You have this look in your eyes that just make you seem like no one will ever see the things you see or do the things you do. You have a sense of power in you."

"I'm twelve and I've already seen more things that what an adult will see in their lifetime. I could understand pain or brokenness but not power."

"Exactly! You have done things no one will ever do and that's what makes you seem so wise and powerful. You don't deserved to be treated as such a filthy thing like a sex toy" he said sounding rather angry.

"There are plenty of other girls like me that have been here and are still here. How come you haven't helped them?"

"Because they-"

"Rosa!! Mi princesa!!"

Me and Bryce looked at each other and started running down the halls. Since I had no shoes on it was easy for me not to make any noise but Bryce on the other hand was making lots of noise with his big combat boots. We took a sharp turn and ducked into a hallway closet. It was small and cramped so Bryce was practically hugging me but this made me really get a good look at him.

He had a thin chiseled face, two full lips, a thin nose and perfect almond eyes that were the most beautiful misty gray that I have ever seen. They were almost like a sea in a storm pulling me in never letting me go. His hair fell in his face a bit but it was still short. His arms, although they seem scrawny, actually have some muscle to them. Under his shirt I could feel his solid as rock six pack. He held me closer making me breathe in his sent of pop tarts and vanilla. I couldn't help but breathe it in seeing how I loved vanilla.

"You enjoying my sent there squirt?" He whispered. I could practically feel his smirk on his lips.

"It's ok I know I'm irresistible..."

I heard footsteps coming down the hallway so I panicked. I tried to put my hand over Bryce's mouth but I couldn't move my hand all the way up to his mouth. I didn't know what to do so I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down so that our lips collided. I could feel him melting into the kiss as he held me tighter. Once I heard the footsteps pass I broke the kiss and opened the door just a little bit. No one was there so I dragged him out and we started running down the halls.

I don't know how long it was until we finally made it to the main room. The front door was just in sight. We crept over to the door as quietly as we could. When we were almost out the door someone started shouting for us to stop. We ran through the door and across the lawn. As we raced down the street Bryce pulled me into an alley. He handed me a helmet and told me to hop on the motorcycle he was now on. I got on and wrapped my arms around his waist. As we zoomed through the streets I felt my eyelids start to get heavy so I tugged on Bryce's shirt.

He took a couple more turns down a few streets until he turned into an alley. He stopped the bike and took of his helmet and I did the same with mine. He got off and help me off afterwards. As I stepped on the ground I felt something sharp Pierce the bottom of my foot causing me to let out a little yelp. Bryce immediately looked concerned and lifted me up.

"I forgot that you don't have shoes. I'm sorry" he whispered. I shook my head.

"It's fine"

I latched my ankles behind his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He began walking over to one of the building and walked in through the side door. It must have been a fire escape because a few moments later I could feel Bryce climbing some stairs. We must have gone three for four flights up before he walked through another door. We walked down a long hallway before we walked through another door and Bryce put me down. 

"Where are we?" I asked. The lights turned on and I looked around.

"It was a hotel before they shut down for going out of buisness" said Bryce.

He walked over to a wardrobe that was io the corner and opened it up. When he reached in and turned around in his hands were the clothes I was wearing the day Ricardo kidnapped me. he even had my shoes! I happily took them from his hands and rushed to the bathroom to change into them. When I finished changing into my clothes I took a long look at myself in the dirty mirror.

I looked so skinny and pale I almost looked dead. The only bit of color that stood out on my face were my intensly dark blue eyes and the nasty dark purple bruise that smeared across my left cheek. I started thing about the time i told the guys about my scars and my eating problems. I thought about how hard they cried just seeing the scars. If they were to see me now their hearts would break and they would cry until their tears run out. I sighed thinking about them and opened the door again.

"hey you ok?" Bryce asked as he got up from the bed to hold me in a hug.

"I miss my boys so much. I just want to go back to them and make them take me out for ice cream. I want to wake uip to the smell of eggs and chorizo. I want to hear all the stupid nicknames they gave me. I just want them to hug me again" i cried into his shoulder.

"I promise you that you will see them again. Even if it costs me my life I will protect you Adrien" he qhispered in my ear.

I just held him tighter in response. I don't know why but bryce just felt so familiar like I've known him all my life. I know it was weird but it was just the way i felt. I could just feel the honesty in his voice and see it in his actions.

"Do you want to call them again?" he said.

I pulled back and nodded. Bryce pulled a phone from his back pocket and handed it to me. I turned it on and started dialing my number agian. I put the phone up to my ear and after only one ring someone picked up. And may i just say hearing those voices made me want to cry.


"Is that blu?"


"Oh my god she's ok!"

My boys.

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