Sawamura Daichi

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Sawamura Daichi, Karasuno Volleyball's Captain

"Nice serve, Dai-kun!" You called out, took everyone attention included his boyfriend who choked out his water when he saw you waved his hand to Daichi. "(N-N-N/n)! What are you doing here! Are you supposed to be at basketball practice?" Daichi asked as he walked toward you who smiled and it made Daichi slightly blushed. "I just want to give you a surprise visit, is that a problem? Beside, the training is cancel because Riko-chan had something to do. You pouted made Daichi chuckled and hugged the younger one made you blushed and hugged back. "Daichi, do you know him?" Karasuno's Mother, Sugawara asked and Daichi sweatdropped when he forgot about his teammates who watched them. "Oh right, sorry about that. (N/n), all of them are my teammates. Guys, this is my boyfriend, (L/n) (M/n)." Daichi introduced you who gave a shyly wave as the silent begin. They stayed silent in few moments until they shouted. "EEEEEEEHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"


You watched his boyfriend (Block/Spike) in interested expression. You even witnessed of the freak duo between two first years which were Hinata Shoyou and Kageyama Tobio. "Umm....(L/n)-san, right?" You heard the familiar and he turned around, to see Karasuno's Mother, Sugawara who smiled at him. "Oh, that's my name. Nice to meet you...?" You asked and Sugawara let out small laughed. "My name is Sugawara Koushi." Sugawara shook his hand together with you who let out laughed. "Nice to meet you too, Suga-san." The two of you talking, get to know each other until Suga-san went in the court while your boyfriend sub out. "Hey, what are you and Suga talking about?" Daichi asked and you grinned. "It's nothing. Just want to get know each other." You chuckled and Daichi told to his coach that he need to get something in locker room with you followed from behind. When they reached the locker room, Daichi pinned the (H/c)nette, locked their lips together. Daichi slide his hand into his boyfriend's pants and boxer, grabbed (H/c)nette's member, made you moaned. His hand kept stroking your member while his tongue battled yours for dominance. He won. His tongue explored every inch of your wet cavern. "D-Daichi....A-Ahh....No...." You moaned out, panted as Daichi kissed your neck. "It's been awhile since we doing this." Daichi's husky voice whispered right at your ear, sent your shivered into your spined. "I-It's your s-school...A-Ah!" You moaned when Daichi sucked your soft spot, made a hickey. "(M/n..." Daichi whispered as he leaned to your lip.


"Daichi, if you're wanna have some time with your boyfriend, it's not the right time!" You two heard Suga's voice made the both of you startled and blushed deep red. "I-I-I see you at home..." With that, you put your clothes together, kissed your boyfriend's cheeks and rushed out from locker room, straight toward your home. Daichi went out, to see Sugawara who stared at him. There's a silence until Daichi blushed, looked away from Sugawara's eye contact made Sugawara chuckled. "What? It's been awhile though." "Yeah yeah, sure. C'mon, practice still going."

Extended Ending

You walked on your way to your school, with two best friends walked beside you. "(L/n)-kun, is something on your neck?" One of your best friends, Kuroko asked politely made you looked at him. "What something on my neck?" You asked in confusion and the other one looked at your neck. "Is that....a hickey?" He asked and you looked at your best friend, jaw dropped. "R-Really?! Kagami, give me a mirror!" You quickly grabbed the mirror from Kagami and quickly checked at your mirror. To see, there's a BIG. PURPLE. HICKEY. "DAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIICCCCCCHIIIII!!!!" Meanwhile, the wild Daichi sneezed.

I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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