Author Note And Two New Books (Coming Soon)

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Hey guys! It's been awhile eh? Look, I probably busy with in this semester and have no time to update because I more into read. And about Ennoshita, I probably stop doing one shot first and focus for special chapters which I'm working on it. And if you see the title, yeah! I have two new books that's coming soon in future! There's two stories which are Final Fantasy and the other one is Castlevania. I'll just put the description here and let me know what you think!

1) Title: Cloud Strife x Male Reader
Fandom: Final Fantasy Advent Children
Description: (M/n) Clark is Cloud Strife's sweet boyfriend who live in 7th Heaven Bar along with his best friend, Tifa Lockheart, the bar's owner and two children, Marlene and Denzel. What will happened when The Renmants of Sephiroth appear, looking for Jenova?

2) Title: Alucard's Wife (Castlevania Fanfiction)
Fandom: Castlevania Netflix
Description: Ryan Harvey is Alucard's wife and set out adventure on his own with his adopted hybrid son that he found during his adventure while waiting for his beloved to recover after his father in law clashed and leave a huge scar on Alucard's chest. What will happened during his adventure, he meet two people who will helping him to stop the war and prevent the humanity to fall apart?

And about the special chapters which I probably make a few like 4 or 5 chapters which are:
-Calling First Name
-How do you meet Part 2
-When characters meet Reader's group of friends for first time (Anime Crossover)
-Lust of Night/Night of Lust (I dunno which one more suitable 😂 and I'll try ;w;)

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