Bokuto Koutaro

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A/n: It's supposed to be Ennoshita but for some reason, I got an idea for this guy so PROBABLY I'm going to make Ennoshita in next chapter. Sorry for writer blocks and this chapter maybe a crappy one so I hope you enjoy!


Bokuto Koutaro, Fukurodani Volleyball Captain

"Koutaro-kun, I'm coming here just l-like you ask..."

Everyone's ear perked up when they heard a voice and they turn around, to see you who has a duffle bag from your training. "Hey Hey Hey, (N/N)! You're here!" Bokuto scream in joy, running toward you and tackle you into hug as everyone staring at the both of you confused. "Bokuto-san, you know him?" Akaashi, the vice-captain ask and Bokuto grins. "Of course I know him! You can introduce yourself, (N/N)." Bokuto said, wraps his arm around your shoulder and bring you closer which this makes you let out a shyly smile. "G-Good Evening, my n-name is (L/N) (M/N). I-I'm K-Koutaro-kun's b-boyfriend. I-It's nice to m-meet you." You shyly introduce yourself, bow lightly and this causing everyone blush at your cuteness.

Even the salty fries force himself to look away so nobody can see his pink tinted on his cheeks.

Except for Kuroo who smirks.

"Well hello there cutie, I'm Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto's best man. How you do?" Kuroo greet with his smirks on his face and this causing you feel nervous about him but since this guy had been friend with Bokuto, you just nod shyly. "I-It's nice to meet you t-too, Kuroo-san." You said and Bokuto glares at his bro. "Hey hey hey, hands off man. He's mine." Bokuto wrap his arm around your waist making you blush embarrassed as Kuroo shrugs. "Um, are you playing volleyball, (L/n)-san?" Hinata ask and you shook your head. "O-Oh, I'm not i-into sports, I'm m-more into m-martial artist..." You said shyly and they all look interests. "Believe it or not, (N/N) here is the captain of karate club in his school."

And Hinata look so amazed at this while Tsukishima just scoffed, didn't believe that the midget like you is a captain. "Is something wrong, Tsukishima?" Kuroo ask and Tsukishima rolls his eye. "Like I believe that the midget like him is a captain. I bet he even can't leave people who heavy than him." You frowned at Tsukishima's insult but can't help but amused at the same time.



You're not really short  and your height is just reach around Bokuto's shoulder but since Tsukishima is the tallest guy, probably to him you're nothing but midget to him. Bokuto saw this and shrug. "Whatever you said, Tsukishima. I really want (N/N) make one move to show you guys but don't want any type of bruises other on your wrist appeared so later." Tsukishima scoffed and smirks when the both of you make eye contact. "Oh, I don't mind if this midget can prove himself. Oh wait, he can't." Tsukishima snickered and this made you frowned more and also made Bokuto mad.

"You know what? I don't care. (N/N), show him what you got." Bokuto told you as you can feel irritated from him. "With pleasure." You walk toward and Tsukishima look down, smirking at you. "What are you going to do, huh? Are you going to punch me?" Tsukishima mock and you shrug. "How about you punch and I show you then?" You ask and Tsukishima take that as a mock so he try to lay a punch on you but out of nowhere, you grab his arm and flip him over your shoulder, causing Tsukishima letting out yelp in pain.

Kuroo whistle, Akaashi and Hinata stared at you in amazed while Bokuto standing there, his hands on his hip and smile like a proud boyfriend

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Kuroo whistle, Akaashi and Hinata stared at you in amazed while Bokuto standing there, his hands on his hip and smile like a proud boyfriend. "Do you say something?" You ask with close eye smile in 'innocent' tone but Tsukishima know that you just mocking him back. Well, karma is bitch, huh?

Tsukishima clicked his tongue, get up and walk away, irritated after being humiliated.

"Good job, (N/N)! I'm so proud of you!" Bokuto shouts and out of nowhere he grab your face and kiss you making your face red as Kuroo whistle again while Akaashi cover Hinata's innocent eyes.

Bless you Akaashi.


I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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