Tanaka Ryuunosuke

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Here the update that you want it sooooo much. And yeah, I'm looking at you


Tanaka Ryunosuke, Wing Spiker of Karasuno

 "Ryu! I'm got gold in swimming contest!"

You screaming with your voice echoed all over the gym, holding the gold medal in your hand. Everyone stared at you with full of confused while Tanaka's face lit up and quickly running toward you. Once Tanaka reach your form, he grabbing you and spinning around as he hugging you.

You letting out squeal in surprised before letting out a cute giggled when Tanaka praised you. "Oh my god, babe! Congrats for your winning!" Tanaka exclaiming and you letting out squeal when you felt Tanaka kiss all over your face. "Tanaka, you know him?" Sugawara asked and Tanaka letting out grin.

"Yeah! (M/n), these guys are my teammates. Guys, meet Nanase (M/n)! My boyfriend!" Tanaka exclaimed happily as you waved shyly making all the team stared at you and Tanaka with full of shocked.



Once the practice end, the teammates decided to start talked with you, want to know more about Tanaka's boyfriend. "You said you got gold for swimming contest, right? Congratulation!" Sugawara greeted and you letting out grinned. "Thanks! I really appreciate!" You thanked and chuckled when you saw Hinata and Kageyama kept stared at the gold medal hanging around your neck.

You took your medal off and handed to Kageyama. "Here. You can hold it." You said and Kageyama trembled hands held the gold medal as his eyes was full of sparkled. "Woaahhh, (L/n)-senpai was it hard to swim?" Hinata asked and you let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, it's kind of hard. I even got sink when I started to learn how to swim. Thanks to my twin, he helped me along with our childhood friends." You said with smile, remember about your childhood with your twin and the others. Suddenly, something that came into your mind.

"Oh yeah! Ryu, Haru and Mako-chan want me to ask you if you want to join us this Saturday." You said and everyone included your boyfriend looked at you in confused.

"For what, babe?"

For some reason, the teammates cringed when Tanaka called you that made you giggled at their reaction.

"Oh, we're going to beach!"


You and your friends reached the beach where you saw your boyfriend and his teammates had just arrived. "Ryu! Sorry we're late! Are you guys just arrived?" You quickly apologized and your boyfriend just smiled and waved it off. After all introduction finished, you took off your hoodie and quickly rushed toward the sea since you already saw your twin, Haruka who had swam across the sea with Rin.

"Ryuuuuuu, swim with meeeeeehhhhhhhhh!" You shout while dragging your chuckled boyfriend toward the sea before carried you like a potato sack made you letting out squealed in surprised. When Tanaka threw you in the sea, you grabbed his arm and dragged him with you made the shaved head guy letting out yelped in surprised.

Well, like people said; Karma is a bitch. (Not the KARMA that you guys fangirling about, lol)

As you playing together, you unaware that some girls who had watched you since you took off your shirt but your boyfriend had. After you swam and letting Tanaka with his best friend, Nishinoya bullied Kageyama for not good swimmer (Lol, sorry not sorry), you decided to take a drink that you had brought from your home and quickly took a big gulped.

"Hey there~"

You stop drinking and saw the group of girls walked toward you, with their smile on their face. "Oh hello...." You called out, not knowing what these girls are going to do. "You seem lonely~ Want to play together with us~?" One of the girls asked and the other girls hugging your arm, shoving her chest to your arm.

Which making you feel disgusting.

"Ummm....no thank you?" You tried to push the girl who hugging your arm but, another girl hugging your another arm made you felt hopeless. "Aww~ Why not~? Please~?" The girls pouted, surrounding you as you tried to search your way out but how?


The girls and you glanced toward the sound of screaming, to see Tanaka who smiled at you but you knew that your boyfriend was actually mad at the girls who flirted you. "We want to get some food! Want to come?" Tanaka asked and you letting out grinned when Tanaka mentioned about 'food'.

Well, who love free food? Well, I did. Lololol...I-I-I mean...*ahem* onto to the story

"Sure! You paid?" You asked, free yourself from the girls' grip who tried to take your attention but stop when they watched Tanaka put your hoodie that you had abandoned and you giggled. "Yeah. Wait for me while I going to take my wallet?" Tanaka asked and you nodded before the girls jawdropped when they saw you gave a peck on Tanaka's cheeks. As Tanaka walked toward his duffle bag to get his wallet, you glanced at the girls.

"Well, you heard the man girls. Sorry but I can't go with you since I need to spend my time with my hot BOYFRIEND here. See ya~" You winked at the girls who blushed embarrassment and you walked away, with your boyfriend hand in hand.

"Thanks for the timing, Ryu~"

"Anything for you babe~"

Extended Ending

Meanwhile with the girls who still can't help but watched you and Tanaka chatting together before they started to fight.

"You said he's a single!?"

"Well, I don't know he actually gay!?"

"Damn it, why all hot guys always gaaaayyyyy!!??"

I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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