Ushijima Wakatoshi

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Ushijima Wakatoshi, Captain and Ace of Shiratorizawa

"Wakatoshi, are you done yet!"

You calling out your boyfriend who stretching on the floor with the others. "Not yet. Give me few minutes." Ushijima blankly told to you and you nodded, take a seat on the bench while waiting your boyfriend finished stretching. "Ushijima-san...? Who's that?" Goshiki, the only regular of first year(I think?) asked, pointing at you who reading some light novel which taking everyone attention when Goshiki asked the question.

"Oh, he's my boyfriend." Ushijima bluntly said and everyone stared at the captain full of shocked. Since their coaches are absent, they have free practice so they screamed in shocked.



"Eh, you're not a volleyball player?"

One of the setter, Eita asked and you shook your head. "Well, was. But, I can't play anymore because it's almost damaged my knee so my mother forbidden me to play volleyball until my knee got surgery. But, I'm fine because I also love drawing so I really don't care about that much." You explained with smile and Eita nodded understand.

"But, are you not sad for can't play volleyball anymore?" Goshiki asked innocently and you chuckled make the team slightly blush. "Well, at first I was sad because of my knee, I can't play my favorite sport anymore but thanks to Wakatoshi, I already over it. So thanks Wakatoshi." You said with smile and Ushijima nodded.

"Let's go, (M/n)." Ushijima picked up his bag and you waving to your boyfriend's teammates before you two leave.

"Waah, (L/n)-san is so nice!"

"Yeah, I even wonder how Ushijima find guy like him."

The team talked each other about Ushijima's boyfriend until the red head spoke. "Oh yeah, whatever you do, don't blush when Wakatoshi-kun's boyfriend around." Tendou told them and they look at the red head confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, you can't tell? He actually glaring at you guys when you guys blushed."


"Iwa-chan, did you saw what I just saw?"

"I did, why?"

Iwaizumi and Oikawa hang out together after school ends and when they eating at their favorite ramen shop, The Aoba Johsai duo saw their enemy come in but he's not alone. "The guy with Ushiwaka look so cute. Wonder if I can ask his number." Oikawa mumbled and Iwaizumi sighed at his idiotic.

"Just leave him alone, Trashykawa. Who knows that guy is his-"

"Well, I'm going to try whether you like it or not! Wish me luck~" Oikawa stand up from his seat and walked toward the guy that he just set on while Iwaizumi sighed, muttering 'idiot' under his breath.



You look up from your novel, to see a brown haired guy with cute smile on his face. You admit that you found this brown haired guy is attractive but no one is more attractive than Ushijima.

"Oh, hello. May I help you?"

"You look lonely~Mind me to join you~?" The brown haired male asked and before you said anything, you saw your boyfriend standing behind the brown haired guy, staring-actually screw that, he's more glaring rather than staring. "What do you think you're doing, Oikawa?"

Oh, Wakatoshi know this guy?

"Well, I'm going to ask his phone number if you can see that." This Oikawa said, glaring back at your boyfriend. You glanced back at your boyfriend and the stranger back and forth, don't know what to do.

And suddenly,


An angry stranger appeared.

"Trashykawa, stop bothering him and mind your own business. Sorry for disturbing you and your...errr partner, Ushijima." The stranger which this time he have black spiky hair apologized and you just waved it off, ignored about this Oikawa who whining.

"It's fine. Please take care friend of yours."

"Sadly I will. Have a nice day."

With that, the black haired male drag his friend who still continue whining, trying to get my phone number before got punched again by his friend. "Well, that's quiet a show." You chuckled as Ushijima take a seat across you.

Before you said something, Ushijima use the book to cover the both of you and quickly give you a passionately kiss causing your eyes widen. When Ushijima broke the kiss, your face was fully deep red." W-What was that for?" You stuttered and Ushijima smiled.

Oh god, his smile...

"I want to show to everyone that you're mine."

And that made you covering your red face as Ushijima stared at you in amused, as he can see a stea that came out from your head.

Sorry if you guys vote for Aone but don't worry! He will appeared in next chapter so yeah lol. Oh and to my muslim reader, Happy Eidilfitri! Or even is that correct spell? Lol. And oh! For my Malaysia Reader, I want to say is "Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin!" Happy nice holiday guys! Peace out!

I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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