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Hello to my beloved readers from all over the world! It's your favorite author here! Listen, I on the way to finish my new book which are involving detective and magician. I want to tell you the title but it will ruining the surprise! And you know how creative Kaito Kid was when he made the riddles or notes for his heist? I want to do that too but I'm not really creative person so I need your help! In the comment section, give me the riddles about the gem such as; what the gem look like, what the color of the gem, what time when the thief going to steal, what the name of museum (just the name only because this place is going to happen at England only. Or with South Korean??? I think) etc. Oh and while you at it, please give me the name of the gem like in one of Magic Kaito's episodes, there's some gem name err....Moon Light? I think? I don't remember. Last thing, I want you to give me the reason why this thief want to steal the gem according the notes that they got from the thief. Please! I really need it! Without, I can't finish the first chapter or I can't publish for you guys! If there's some notifications about you guys comment in this book, I really REALLY appreciate it.


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