Shimizu Kiyoko

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A/n: Sorry for short chapter!

Shimizu Kiyoko, Karasuno's 'Beauty' Manager

"Um, excuse me...?" The team stop their training and glance toward the door where they saw a (H/c) haired male with some black mask cover his face and carry a guitar case on his back. "Yes, is there something you need?" Daichi ask in confusion and the male nodded. "Yeah, I'm here for Shimizu Kiyoko. Is she here?" You ask and startled when a certain second years duo suddenly break your personal space with glare on their faces.

"And what are you going to do with our Kiyoko-san, huh?!" The midget with yellow blob on his hair asked while the bald one is growling where this is causing you feel not only a little terrified but also uncomfortable since you never let any stranger break your personal space except for Kiyoko, your friends and family that you care so much.

Suddenly, the duo let out yelp when they feel someone hit on their head with something hard. "Stop scaring him, you two." When they heard the familiar voice, the duo quickly turn around and to see their precious manager, Kiyoko.

"K-Kiyoko-san! W-We try to save you from-!"

"Stop it you two and continue training before I hit you again."

All the members look surprised at their manager who seems rarely mad, was furious right now as she glared at the duo who feel blessed about the fact that 'their' Kiyoko-san just scold them. "I'm sorry, are you alright?" Kiyoko asked you with worry tone and you just nodded. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine... Thank you for saving me, Kiyoko." You thanked her, give a small peck on her forehead making the duo from earlier making a ruckus about how you kissing their 'Precious Kiyoko-san' but get punched on their head by Daichi who had enough for their loudness.

"Shimizu-senpai, do you know who is he?" Yachi, the second manager asked as she watch Kiyoko lead you to the nearby bench where they watch the training together. "Yes, we known each other since childhood." Kiyoko said and you give a small wave to the blond girl who wave back. Once the training is finish, Kiyoko told you to stay so she can change the clothes to her uniform. You just sit there, steaming guitar that you got out from your guitar cases.

"Hey you!"

You look up and saw the same duo from earlier are stomping their legs toward you who just sit there quietly. "Who do you think you are, huh?! Kissing with our Kiyoko-san!" "Yeah, you got nerve for doing that!" You blinked at this. "Huh? Is it wrong to kiss my girlfriend? And drop 'our Kiyoko-san', will you and for your information, we're dating for 3 years."

All volleyball members stared at you in shocked about the fact that they met Kiyoko's boyfriend in the flash and the certain the second years duo screamed in shocked.


Extended Ending

"Sorry for waiting, (M/n)." You heard your girlfriend call you out and you quickly put your guitar back into the case. "Nah, didn't wait long. But, can we go now because..." Kiyoko and you glanced toward the duo who sitting in the corner, mumbling about how 'their Kiyoko-san had been steal away from them' while the others sweatdropped or some of them facepalmed while a certain beanstalk decide to go home.

"I don't know these weirdos, please don't ask me..."

I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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