Hinata Shoyo

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Hinata Shoyo, Karasuno Ulimate Decoy

"Sho-chan, I brought some food!" You called out, took everyone attention while Hinata looked at you, joyful in his eyes. "Waahh! Thank you (N/n)!!" Hinata shouted, ran toward you and tackled you a hug made you stumbled little but regain some balanced. "Sho-chan, be careful! You might get hurt." You scolded your boyfriend as you gave Hinata a lunch box while Hinata laughed nervously.

"Sorry (N/n). It's been awhile since we met each other. Don't you have practice today?" Hinata asked and you shook your head. "It's cancel because coach has wedding to attend." You chuckled as Hinata cheered when he grabbed the lunch box from your hand. "Oh boy, oh boy! Can't wait to taste it!" You chuckled at your boyfriend and glanced at your boyfriend's team.

"My name is (L/n) (M/n), Sho-chan's boyfriend. Nice to meet all of you." You introduced yourself and when you saw the 3rd year manager, you grinned. "Kiyoko-nee!" You shouted, waved toward her and she smiled, waved back toward you. "Hey, hey, what your business with her, huh?" The bald guy and the raven blond guy, glared at you made you flinched. "Stop that."

The Manager slapped the back of duo and dragged you away from them. You even heard that, "Kiyoko-san has..." "Hit us..." You looked at the duo in weird face before started to chat with Kiyoko. "How come she knew him?" Kageyama asked, looked at Hinata. "Huh? You didn't know? Shimizu-senpai is (N/n)'s cousin." There's silence until the duo shouted.



After got every member introduced to you, you watched your boyfriend and his best friend, Kageyama made a freak duo made your eyes full of amazement. "So cool!" You shouted, full of amazement and quickly glanced at your cousin who smiled at your behavior. You watched until the end of practice so you can go home with Hinata. All of you said goodbye and you gave your cousin a hug before rushed toward Hinata and walked back home together.

"You seems happy for reason, Sho-chan." You chuckled at Hinata who walked beside you, with some happy aura surround him. "Who wouldn't! I didn't expect that you suddenly appear out from nowhere and give me your homemade cooking! Say, want to stay for dinner with mom and Natsu?" Hinata asked with full of hope in his tone made you chuckled again. "Of course. It's been awhile since I met your mother and Natsu-chan." You said and Hinata grinned. 


"Sho-chan, don't scream! You will disturbing the neighbour!" 

Extended Ending

"Hey Hinata, what's that?" During lunch, one of Hinata's classmates asked as Hinata took out his lunch box from his bag. "I don't know. Just surprise I guess." Hinata shrugged and open the lid box, to see a *rice with some scramble eggs and some cubes on the top of rice. "Waah! Looks delicious! Your mother cook that?" Another Hinata's classmates asked and Hinata shook his head.

"Then, who is it then?"

"My boyfriend!"

There's silence as Hinata started to eat and startled when his classmates screamed. "WHHAAAAATTT!!!" Meanwhile, you sneezed and looked around. 

"Who the hell is talking about me...?"

If you guys know what is it, you really a true fan and sorry if this chapter suck cause I have no idea to write XD

I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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