Azamune Asahi

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Azumane Asahi, Karasuno Volleyball's Ace

"Asahi, nice spike there!" Everyone little startled when they all heard the unfamiliar voice but to Asahi, he already recognized where quickly turn around, to see his boyfriend which is you who waving at him with the sketchbook in his hand. "Asahi, who's that?" Sugawara asked the ace and Asahi let out a nervous chuckle when he had taking everyone's attention toward him.

" should I put....He's my boyfriend..." Asahi letting out nervous smile, rubbing the back of his head when everyone deadpanned as they couldn't believe that their ace already had a boyfriend. Everyone screaming, startled Asahi and his boyfriend.


"What in the world is wrong with you guys!!"


"Ehh? You're not in volleyball club?" Nishinoya asked, walking beside you as the volleyball eating meat bun, on your way to go home. "Yeah but I really love watch my cousin play it. It's really amazing!" You exclaimed happily and Asahi chuckle at his boyfriend's joyful face. "Your cousin? Do we know him?" Daichi asked, glancing at you. "Yup, his name Kuroo Tetsurou, from Nekoma High School."

You said simply and laughing when they all staring at you in surprised. "E-Eh, that's mean you're from Nekoma?!" Hinata shout and you laugh. "Yup but don't worry. Besides, I even don't know how the volleyball works." You chuckled while Asahi sweat drop when everyone sigh in relief. "So, what club you in then?" Ennoshita asked and everyone look confuse when you finish eat your meat bun and take out the sketchbook from your bag and show to everyone.


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Karasuno staring at the drawing you showed in amazed. "(L/n)-san, it's look amazing! It's almost look like real!" Hinata shout making you grin. "Thanks Hinata! Ohh, I had drawing you guys! Give me a sec." You turn the page and searching the drawings as everyone watching your face lit up before show it to Karasuno.

"Is this good?"

"Is this good?"

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