Kuroo Tetsurou

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Kuroo Tetsurou, Nekoma's Volleyball Captain

"Tetsu! You fucking jerk!"

Tsukishima, Hinata, Lev, Akaashi and Bokuto startled at the screamed while Kuroo who already recognized the voice, smirked. "Hey babe~! What you take so long?" Kuroo asked you who glared at your boyfriend as your tick mark appeared on your forehead. "You idiot! You give me wrong address! I had been searching for day!" You shouted angrily at Kuroo, unaware that Kuroo walking toward your rambling form.

"And you made my legs hu-mmph!" You felt a pair of lips against your lips making you blinked before blushed deep red once you realized that your boyfriend had kiss you in front of his friends and teammates. You pushed your boyfriend away from you and grab random person before hiding behind him. "Wha-Wha-What do you think you're doing?!" You screamed as Hinata who got grab by you, blinked while Kuroo chuckled.

"Oya oya? Hey bro, who's that?" Bokuto asked, pointing toward you who still blush and standing behind Hinata who still confused. "Well, let's me introduce him. His name is (L/n) (M/n), from (Random High School/Academy). Oh, he also my boyfriend." Kuroo said and the five of them blushed when Kuroo wrapped his arm around your waist, softly kiss your red cheeks.

"W-Wha-Stop you idiot! P-People watching..." You stuttered, avoided eye contact with Kuroo making he chuckled. "So, you don't mind if we in private place~?" Kuroo asked and all of you except Kuroo who had smirked on his face before you punched your punch toward his stomach.

"Tetsu, you baka!!"



You continue watched your boyfriend training together with some of his friends at side. You really didn't like volleyball because you're more into music and you're not really a sport man. Suddenly, you felt that your phone vibrated in your pocket and you checked who sent you message.

From: Mother

To: (N/n)

(M/n), dear? After you're visit Tetsurou-kun, can you buy some milk and eggs? We already ran out of it.

You quickly reply the message back and put back your phone into your pocket and stand up, taking attention from your boyfriend. "Leaving?" Kuroo asked and you nodded. "Well, my mum want me to buy some milk and eggs. See you tomorrow?" You called out and Kuroo nodded. "Yeah, see you tomorrow. Love you." Kuroo chuckled at your red face and grumbled 'I love you too' before you gave peck on his cheeks, leave the gym.


"Kuroo, your phone had been rang for 10 minutes." Kenma called out once the bedhead captain enter the room after practice. "Really? Do you know who is it?" Kuroo asked and Kenma shrugged and continue play videogame in his hand. Kuroo look at the ID Caller and much to his surprised, the one who called him was his boyfriend. He quickly answer the phone.

K: Kuroo

Y: Reader/You

K: Hello?

Y: T-Tetsu...? Please help me!

K: Babe? What's wrong?

Y: I-I'm was on m-my way back to convenience store to go buy what m-mom asked for. B-But, there's some r-random guy want to r-rape me. P-Please Tetsu, I'm scared right now!

K: Okay I'm coming. What ever you do, stay where ever you are, alright? Where are you?

Y: A-At convenience store where we always bought ice cream together. Please hurry!

K: I'm on my way.

Kuroo ended the call and quickly rush out from his room but Kenma stop him. "Where are you going?" Kenma asked and Kuroo quickly told everything and Kenma couldn't help but felt worried at his best friend's boyfriend. "I'll tell this to Coach. Just go and save him." Kenma said and Kuroo didn't waste his time and rushed out from Shinzen High School.

A/N: I don't know if their practice was held at Nekoma or Shinzen but I think it was during Shinzen where Hinata got played with Kuroo, Bokuto and Akaashi along with Lev and Tsukishima.

Once he reached the convenience store, he saw you who felt relief and quickly rushed toward you, pulling you into his embrace. "Tetsu, I-I'm scared...." You hiccuped and you felt that Kuroo tightened his grip around you. "Shhhh....It's going to be alright. I'm here, see? Want to sleepover at my school or you still want to go home?" Kuroo asked and you shook your head and put your ear on Kuroo's chest, where you can feel the heartbeat. "Please...bring me with you..." You mumbled and Kuroo nodded.

The both of you walking out from the convenience store where the same guy who tried to rape you saw you and want making his way to you but stop when he saw Kuroo's glare. "What do you want punk?" The man ask and Kuroo's glare hardened. "Hands off man. This guy is mine so back off." Kuroo growled and the man scoffed before walked away. Kuroo looked at you. "Are you alright?" Kuroo asked and you smiled, nodded. "I'm fine. Thanks to you, Tetsu." You said with smile and Kuroo letting out smirked.

You blinked in confused.

"W-What?" You asked and Kuroo chuckled, leaned his face toward you made you blushed. "Where my reward~?" Kuroo sang made you blushed more and you glared at your boyfriend. "P-Pervert..." You mumbled and Kuroo pouted. But, before Kuroo do something, he felt a peck on his lips before the feeling disappeared, to see you who had blushed all over you cheeks. "There. H-Happy...?" You mumbled and walked away, leaving Kuroo behind. Kuroo slowly touched his cheeks where that you just gave him a peck before letting out grin, letting out chuckled when he saw that your ear are red.

'Ahhh, I feel lucky that I have a cute boyfriend (M/n).'

I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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