Nishinoya Yū

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Nishinoya Yū, Libero of Karasuno Volleyballs

"Yū! Eh, he's not here?" You noticed that your boyfriend wasn't in the gym and you look around. "Hello, is there we can help you?" You look toward the grey hair guy who smiling and another brunette guy who looking at you in confused making you let out nervous laughed. "Sorry to disturb you guys but have you see Yū?" You asked and the grey hair guy look confuse.

"Yuu? As in Nishinoya Yū?" The grey hair guy asked and you nodded. "Oh, he went toilet just now. You can wait here if you want." The brunette smile and you smile back. "Sure, let me just-." "(N/N), RECEIVE!" You heard a familiar screamed from nearby making the three of you turn around.



You let out yelped when you felt your boyfriend glomped you, wrapped his hand around your head while his feet around your body.

Because of it, you almost lost balance if was not from the grey haired and the brunette grabbing your hands, pulled you up as prevent you to fall. Nishinoya chukled as he petted on your shoulder while you stared at your boyfriend, your body trembled.

"Well, that went pretty well~"

"Yū, I think my heart stopped..."

As the grey haired and the brunette had dark aura surrounded them.


"We're so sorry for Nishinoya did that to you."

"N-No, it's fine..."

After scolding Nishinoya and get to know each other, you decided to stay and watch your boyfriend who received all spike as you staring at him amazingly. "(N/n), do you see that!" Nishinoya scream and you giggled before giving him two thumbs up, making Nishinoya scream but stopped when he saw Daichi's who glaring at him. You chuckle about it and continue watch until the practice end.

"Ready to go home?" Nishinoya asked and you grinned, give him a nod. "Sure, let's go. See you guys later!" You said, waving a goodbye to your new friends as your new friends waving back as the little ball sunshine, screaming like, 'See you later, (L/n)-san!' You and Nishinoya walked together in silence and hand in hand.

"Hey, (N/n)?"


"Are you ready?"

You look at your boyfriend who staring at you up as you confused. "Err....what's that supposed to mean again?" You asked and he kept staring at you. "Just say yes or no." Nishinoya forced making you more confused and just shrugged. "Eee...yes??" You said in unsurely tone but Nishinoya's face lit up before dragging to your house.

"E-Eh, Yū! Where are we going?"

"We're going to your house!"

"F-For what?!"

"You'll see!"

Extended Ending

"Hey, is it me or Noya-san seems more fresh than before?" Tanaka asked, staring at his best bro who had seems his skin sparkle and look fresh. "Umm, Nishinoya-senpai? Are you alright?" Hinata asked Nishinoya who seems happily than before. "Oh, I'm fine! Why do you ask?" "N-Nothing...?"


Your mother walked with tray of lunch as she chuckling at you, groaned in pain at your hip and ass, as who you rest on your bed.

"(M/n), are you alright? Yū must do it really rough yesterday night, huh?"

"Shut up, Mom..."

I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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