Oikawa Tooru

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Oikawa Tooru, the Grand King of Aoba Johsai aka Trashykawa

You look around the gym, searching for your boyfriend who seems occupied with some girls and this made you a little bit irritated as you keep listening to those blabbering.

"Oikawa-kun, you're so amazing!"

"Oikawa-kun, are you going to serve again?"

"Oikawa-san, you look so hot!"



You feel your eyes twitching at this and glance at the teammates who just ignore the ruckus. "Umm, excuse me." You call out and one of them glance toward you confused. "Yes?" The one who seems have muscle more than your boyfriend ask and you glance at your boyfriend before glance back to the guy in front of you. Can you give me one of those ball?" You ask and everyone except for Oikawa look confuse but the guy that you talk to just give the ball to you. You throw the ball in the air and jump to spike the ball, which send straight toward Oikawa.

"Hey Tooru, heads up!" You call out and as soon as Oikawa turn around, the ball was already smack right on his face. Oikawa's teammate who just witnessed what happen and the third year of trio burst out laughing. The girls glance at you in shock as Oikawa who ready to shout to his teammate, he stop when he saw you. "Oh, (N/n)-chan! What are you doing here?" Oikawa ask, leaving the girls who whining as they want Oikawa's attention. "What? You didn't read my text? I texted you yesterday that we're going to eat together." You said, feeling annoyance and a little bit sad since your boyfriend always did this.

Everytime you texted him, saying that you're want to pick him up to eat dinner together, Oikawa sometimes give excuses and sometimes he didn't read the text. Oikawa saw this and he quickly grab his cellphone and you was right. There's a message from you that he didn't read it yet so Oikawa delete the email, grab his bag and quickly running toward you. "I'm sorry (N/n)-chan. I really don't know that you're text me so want to go right now? Since we already finish the practice?" Oikawa apologize as his puppy dog eyes staring at you who just sigh. Before you said anything, the girls from earlier shout as they glare at you.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing! Throwing the ball to our Oikawa-san!" The fangirls shout at you, blabbering about how dare you hurt their 'Oikawa-san', this and that and you have no idea how annoyed you are with these girls. You just stay silent and wait while the girls continue blabbering and sigh. "Tooru, can we go now? I tired listening to them and their voice hurting my ear." You said and the girls continue glare at you while Oikawa just chuckle.

"Well, we should get going and I'll answer your questions, especially from you, Iwa-chan. See ya~" The girls and teammates look dumbfounded when they watch how casually Oikawa wrap his arm around your waist, bringing you closer to him. "Oikawa-san! Why you wrap your arm around this rude guy!" The girls continue scream and you groan. You said this and this made everyone staring at the both of you in shocked.

"Well, you should not put your dirty hand on my fucking boyfriend then." With that, the both of you leave the school.

Next day

"Hey, Oikawa. Who's that guy with you? Man, those girls can't stop their blabbering yesterday."

It's lunch time and the third years having lunch together on the rooftop. The other third years decide to ask about the guy from yesterday since they curious about him and Oikawa already told them yesterday that he going to answer all the question that they going to ask. "Oh, (N/n)-chan? His full name is Kageyama (M/n), Tobio-chan's older brother!" Oikawa said and they look at Oikawa in surprise about the new information that they just found.

"What? He's Kageyama's older brother? How come we never met him during practice?" Hanamaki ask and that's where Oikawa grin, "I'm glad you ask! Well, just like I said, his full name is Kageyama (M/n) and he is third year like us! Well, he actually from America for his leg surgery and when he went home, he go attend Karasuno where he can play together with Tobio-chan! And we've been dating like 2 or 3 years." Oikawa explain and the third years nodded.

"He's seem pretty cool guy. But, damn! The way he spike yesterday was totally inhuman! His spike even seems faster than yours!" The third years commented and Oikawa snicker making they look confuse. "What's so funny?" Iwaizumi ask. "Well, he's actually holding back because if he use full power yesterday, he going to break my nose." Oikawa explain and they look shock-like how many times since I already lose count when I type this-as they shout.


Extended Ending

Once again, you feel your eyes twitched when the waitress who didn't stop flirting and always wrapping herself under her breast to make Oikawa see but all Oikawa do just sit there nervously. "Excuse me miss, can't you stop what are you doing right now?" Oikawa ask nervously, already feeling a dark aura from you and it's going to be danger if the waitress didn't stop right now.

"What for? How about you ditch this guy here and have fun time with me~" The waitress continue flirt with your boyfriend and you have enough with this. "Excuse me! Can we need another waiter? This waitress is not cooperate with us!" You call out and the waitress glare at you.

"Who do you think you are! I'm working here!"

"Then, don't shove your silicon at my boyfriend then."

The waitress blush deep red at this and before she said anything, the manager who seems heard the conservation, quickly scold the waitress and ask another waiter to take the order but because of her, you told them that you're just going home since you already lose appetite because of that waitress.

You and Oikawa walk together hand in hand, on their way to Oikawa's house after bought some groceries to cook for tonight. You two walk in silence and Oikawa decide to break the silence. "Umm, (N/n)-chan? Are you mad at me?" You raise your brow at the question and shrug.

"Why you ask that?"

"Because, you seems having a bad mood today. Are you alright?" You stare at Oikawa who staring at you and you do nothing but smile. "It's fine Tooru. Just glad that you're here with me." You said and your eyes widen when you felt a lip against your lips. You quickly melt in the kiss and kiss back with you wrap your arm around Oikawa's neck while Oikawa wrap his arm around your waist, bringing you close. You two break the kiss and smile each other.

"I always love you and only you. Don't forget that alright?"

"I will never forget it and I love you too."

For some reason, after  give me an idea for this shot, out of nowhere a new idea came and I can't help but just use it before it's gone forever. But still, he/she told me that the reader can be Kageyama's brother so I make the reader as Kageyama's OLDER brother.

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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