New Story

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Hey guys! I'm sorry if you guys thought this one is an update but I want to give a give a first chapter of my new story. I hope you like it.

P/S: This is my first time writing Final Fantasy VII so I'm sorry if this chapter sucks 😋


(M/n) is just a normal nerd earth boy who love to play videogames with genre of fantasy and his most favorite game is Final Fantasy VII. He always hope that he can live Final Fantasy's world so he can live his life aka reality. But, what will happen if they appeared on earth, searching for the boy? (FF VII x Male Reader)

You woke up in the morning, feeling tired after playing videogame and watching the movie at the midnight. You want to sleep in but since you had school, you forced yourself to get up and do morning routine. You just a normal nerd boy who love the videogames and live in normal life except for being bullied in school and been neglected by your own family.

You put your clothes, covered the weird tattoo on your hand and walk downstairs, to take some toast before walking toward school since it became your habit.

As you walking to hell where they call 'school', you can't help but feeling that something will happen but you don't know what it is. So, you just push the feels away and glanced at your covered hand, where the tattoo was.

Ever since you start played Final Fantasy VII, the tattoo was appeared on your hand, out of nowhere. You thought it's just a birthmark but how come it didn't appeared during the day you birth? You just push the feels away and continue making your way to school.

But you stop your tracks when you saw a familiar strange motorcycle that resembling with the motorcycle that they had in the game.

'Am I just....imagine that?'


Once you reach hel-I mean school, you walking casually toward your locker and saw some jocks waited at your locker making you mentally groan. 'Whhhhhyyyy....' That all you thought and you can't help but forced yourself to walk to your locker.

One of the jocks saw you and smirked. "Hey, look guys. Look who finally shows up." One of jocks, Jack said and you roll your eyes.

"Leave me alone, Jack. What do you want?" You asked and gasped when Jack push you making you fell, with all your stuff in your bag scattered out from your bag. The jocks bursted out laughing and walk away as you quickly gathered your stuff back, mumbled.

'Ugghh, I hate Monday...'


The first class was Biology and you can't help but this lessons always reminded you about the Shin-Ra Company and the scientific projects concerning Jenova; SOLDIER, Project G and naturally Project S.

As you taking notes that your teacher wrote in front, suddenly a loud thump was heard from the ceiling making you and the others stop writing. And then, the noise sounded like footsteps and sword clashed. All the girls screamed when they heard the sound of gunshots. After that, you saw a man falling from ceiling above you to a lower floor, where the floor you were standing.

All of you quickly rush to the window and your eyes widen when you saw a blond spiky hair, recognized them immedietly. 'N-No way...wha-what's happening here!' You thought and you surprised when the blond man who still conscious making eye contact with you.

Everybody got surprised and frightened when the familiar three silver haired male came down too and you immediately recognized them; they were Remnants of Sephiroth! How in the world that the characters from videogames came into the real world?! One of them went toward the bleeding man to guard him while the other two broke the glass windows and rushed inside making everyone back up from the window, frightened.

But, what made you curious, they seem looking for someone but who?

Okay this is not good.

"Where is he?!" Kadaj asked furiously, scaring everyone and you slowly backing up toward the door, holding your bag and ready to flee away. "I wonder who has the tattoo...?" Yazoo questioned and the teacher responded in terror,

"P-Please leave quietly...we are peaceful-"

"Shut up!"

You almost flinched when Yazoo shouted while slapping your professor harshly. You continue making your way to the door as Yazoo and Kadaj searching everyone's arms or hands while holding their weapon in order to insure that no one will make a move.

But you? Pfft, screw that.

You continue fastly but fastly walking toward the door so you can run away. "Don't be afraid." Yazoo said and Kadaj continued. "It's not your time yet. You will all become one with Mother soon."

For some reason, your hand sting making you flinced and Kadaj saw it.

"Are you the one?" Kadaj whispered as everyone stared at you making you gulped. Kadaj slowly making to your way and you tried to run away but failed when Kadaj grabbed your arm. "And where do you think you're going, little one?" You struggled from his grip as Kadaj grab your glove, revealed your hand with small tattoo and Kadaj letting out smirked.

"We finally found you." Kadaj said and dragging you mercilessly. You tried to escape but his grip too strong.

"L-Let me go! What do-"

"You are coming with us."

Kadaj mentioned and you glanced at him. "Wh-What? Why?" A hot breath fanning at your ear making you shivered. "Because you are the Chosen One and the one who our brother had searched for." Yazaoo said and you immediately knew who is it. "Let's go." As the three of you left, Loz slung the almost dead bleeding blond and you who finallt free from Kadaj's grip, you rush toward the blond man.

"Cloud, are you alright...?" You asked softly but you cursed in your mind.

Are you idiot? Of course he not fine!

Cloud in terrible condition, he had wounds all over his body, the most edgesbof his spiky blond hair were painted red by his blood and his blue eyes looked awfully exhausted.

He gathered all his remaining strength and whispered to you.

"(M/n)' them....don'" With that, he fall into unconscious making you frowned.

"Oh Cloud....and again you a victim of this case...." You mumbled and letting out a muffled yelp when a cloth covered your nose, breath in into the damp cloth....

Shit choloroform!

"Sweet dream, (M/n)~"

You heard Kadaj sang as you slowly fall into his arms, slowly falling into unconscious.

Sooooo, how is it? Is it bad? I know I'm bad at grammar so shut up! 😂

But, if you want me to continue, I 'll publish the new story with new chapter since you already read the first chapter

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