Tendou Satori

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Tendou Satori, The Guessing Monster

"Excuse me?" You call out, taking everyone's attention to you who look surprise at your beauty. "I'm looking for Satori. Is he here?" You ask and out of nowhere, you been tackled by your red hair boyfriend. "(N/N)-chan~! You're here~!" Tendou sings happily, rubbing his cheeks with yours while you just pat his red spiky hair. "Tendou-san, you know him?" One of the junior ask and Tendou let out nod. "Of course I know him! He's my friend~!" You heard this with your deadpanned face and sigh.

"Satori, you just confessed to me yesterday."

"Oh, yeah~ Almost forget about it. Guys, meet my boyfriend, Shimizu (M/N)~!"

Tendou introduce you and you gives the volleyball a wave. Everyone look at The Guess Monster in shock, never expected that Tendou found a partner, a boyfriend none less. "It's nice to meet you, Shimizu-san. What school are you from?" Semi ask and Tendou tensed up at this which all of them saw it, confused. "I'm from Karasuno High School. It's nice to meet you all." You tell them and they now know why Tendou tensed up just now.



You reading some book that you bring with you as you waiting your boyfriend practice with this guy name Ushijima who practice together but you can't help feel a little bit uncomfortable because the way Ushijima staring at you. 'What he want from me...?' You thought to yourself and you feel that a huge shadow hovered you. You look up and saw Ushijima's stern staring down you and this make you feel more uncomfortable. "Wakatoshi, is there something wrong with my boyfriend?" Tendou ask curious and everyone stop what they doing, watching you two.

"Do you play volleyball?" Ushijima ask and you raised you brow at the question. "Yes, why?" You ask in confuse tone and Ushijima nod. "Play with me." Ushijima requested and everyone look at their captain in surprise. "All you have to do, receive the ball, that's all." Ushijima said and you shrug, agreed the condition. You put your book down and walk to the other side of court while Ushijima and a setter on the other side of court.

"Ready?" The setter, Semi ask you and you nod. Semi give set to Ushijima who make a strong spike, sending toward the end of court which everyone else thought you can't receive because how ball speed is too fast to receive but they wrong. You quickly running toward the ball and receive them easily as everyone stared at you in shocked including Ushijima who stare at you in surprise that you can keep up the speed.

You receive the ball like in half an hour and this make Ushijima a little frustrated about how you easily receive the ball with your speed. While Tendou cheers, running toward you. "You do a great job receive the ball, (N/N)-chan!"Tendou said happily, tackling you into a hug. Before you said anything, Ushijima cut you off. "Come to Shiratorizawa." Everyone stare at their captain in horror while you just deadpanned at this. "Why should I come to Shiratorizawa? Is it because you still frustrated about how my school win against your? Don't act like a fool, Ushijima-san. I'm not a tool." You growled at Ushijima who a little bit tensed at your glare while everyone scared at you how you casually growling at him.

You turn to your red head boyfriend and give a peck on his cheeks making he lightly blush at your affection since you rarely give him an affection in public. "I'll go home first. See you later, Satori." You said goodbye to your boyfriend and quickly walk away from the gym, as Tendou still freeze about how you boldly kiss him in front of everyone while everyone except for Ushijma blush at your affection that you just gave to Tendou.

Before anybody say something, Tendou quickly running after you, leaving everyone sweatdrop and some of them facepalm at this.

Extended Ending

You keep quickly walking away from that school, away from your boyfriend. 'I can't believe that I did that! What the hell, (M/n)!' You thought to yourself, blush all over your cheeks as you feeling embarrassed that you just kiss your new boyfriend in front of his teammates. "(M/N)!" You heard your boyfriend calling you and before you start to run away, Tendou quickly grab your arm and pin you at the wall.

"Ow, Satori! What are you-Mmf!" You cut off by Tendou put his lip against you. Your eyes widen at this and blush from earlier become more red before you kiss him back. "I love you." Tendou confessed once you two break the kiss and when you heard this, you blush more and shove your face to his shoulder which making the red head chuckle at your shyness.

"I-I-I love you too...."

I tried and sheesh, writing this chapter about Tendou is actually hard...

Thanks to Writing__Trash for giving me an idea for this!

I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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