Ennoshita Chikara

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A/n: Honestly, I have NO IDEA to write for Ennoshita so I make short chapter it took me long to make one and I got idea 2 days ago but that's it so yeah. And no, I'm not going to make other members that 2nd years, you know Kinoshita and Narita. For this chapter, it will a little bit different where the second year know about Ennoshita's boyfriend but never met him. Sorry for writer blocker and I hope you love this chapter!


Ennoshita Chikara, 'The Ungrateful Second Year'


Ennoshita heard the familiar voice and he quickly turn around, to see his expressionless boyfriend is standing there at the door with his school bag on his back. "Oh, you're here!" Ennoshita quickly rush to his boyfriend while the others look curiously while the second years' face lit up when they heard about Ennoshita's boyfriend is coming for visit.

"So, is this your boyfriend that you talked about?" Nishinoya asked, still despite that Ennoshita's boyfriend is taller than him. "Hello, my name is Oikawa (M/n)...nice to meet you.." You introduce yourself and the everyone's face lit up. "Oikawa? As Oikawa Tooru? You're his little brother?" Daichi asked and you nod softly. "Yes but I'm not from Volleyball's club nor from Aoba Johsai." You said, hoping that Ennoshita's teammates didn't stared at you with hostile since you heard from your older brother that they had match with Karasuno's high school.

Everyone nodded in relief and Ennoshita quickly lead his boyfriend to the bench, where their managers are.

Poor Yachi who seems scared about how scary (H/c) haired male was since all the said male can do just stared at her with deadpanned expression, unaware to the small manager that in his (E/c) eyes are nothing but full of amused.

Time skip after training

After training, Ennoshita decide to walk home together with you but when he walked toward you, Kiyoko the manager give a 'shush' finger before point toward you who sleeping soundly with his head on Kiyoko's lap. Ennoshita could heard your soft snores and this made Ennoshita let out smile.

"(M/n), hey wake up." You slowly open your eyes, rubbing your eye as you let out yawn. "Oh, did I fall asleep? Sorry Manager-san for sleep on you..." You apologize, rubbing your tired eye as Kiyoko just smile. "It's fine but are you alright? You seems tired.." Kiyoko asked worried as she watch Ennoshita kneel in front of you and you quickly jump on his back before snuggle your face on your boyfriend's shoulder with your bag on your back.

"He told me that he had been busy with some projects and didn't get enough sleep for few days. Right, (M/n)?" Ennoshita let out small chuckle when he feel your head nod. "Oh really? My, must be hard on him..." Sugawara who heard the conservation-or eavesdropped-said in worried tone and rubbing your back who purred instantly.

"Don't worry...I already told my parent that I'm going to have sleepover with Chikara-kun and they fine with it since tomorrow is weekend, despite Baka-nii always objected the plan since my boyfriend is from his precious kouhai school." You said before let out small yawn and snuggle back on Ennoshita's back causing Sugawara cooed about how cute you were, which Ennoshita agreed.

"Well, we need to get going. We'll see you guys on Monday!" Ennoshita and you said goodbye to Karasuno's volleyball members and they walked home, more to Ennoshita walk back home with you on his back. "Still tired?" Ennoshita asked and you nodded. "Do you want to eat something snacks before we go home?" Ennoshita asked and you nodded.

"I want pocky..."

"You sure love pocky."

"Can we buy like 10 boxes?"

"That many? For what?"

"To play 'Pocky Game' with you."

"Oh my god, (M/n)..."

You have no idea how red Ennoshita was during that time.


Another A/n: Quick question, should I make the girls one? But only Yachi and Kiyoko since these two are the only my favorite girls character in Haikyuu. It's fine if you don't want to. Also, who should I do next?

I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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