Yachi Hitoka

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Yachi Hitoka, The First Year Manager

"Yoho~ Hitoka-chan~ I have come to visit~"

You call out and the said female turn around. Yachi's face lit up when she saw you and runs (dasi Run Run Run, ok I'll stop) towards you before tackles you making you chuckles in amused. "What are you doing here! I don't know you're come to visit! What about your basketball practice?" Yachi asks, happily that you're coming visit as you pats her head since the height difference is kinda huge where her height just reach your chest, basically you towering over her.

"Well, Coach said that she has something business to do and let we free practice or go home so I choose to visit you." You chuckle and Yachi quickly drag you so she can introduce you to her senior who stared at the both of you in curious and surprise. "Shimizu-senpai, this is my boyfriend, (L/n) (M/n). (N/n), this is my senior and the manager, Shimizu Kiyoko. She's a third year."

You admitted that your girlfriend's senior is actually pretty but Yachi is the cutest!

Especially when she blushed!

"It's nice to meet you, (L/n)-kun." Kiyoko said, give a small bow to you and you bow back. "Nice to meet you too, Shimizu-san." You give Kiyoko a close eye smile and Kiyoko can't help but being blinded at the shiny smile.

The three of you just sit on the bench, talk to each other and it was fun until a certain second years duo barge in, screaming.


The three of you look over and saw the loudest duo scream before they run toward you, where one of them has bald and the other one has yellow blob also it seems that he's the shortest one.

Once they almost reach, their excited face change into dangerous and scared face when they saw you, making they immediately sprints towards you who startled at the sudden change expression.

Before they reach towards you, Yachi practically slide over, standing in front of you with her hands spread wide (You know how Tanjiro slide over in front . "The two of you, stop this instant!" Yachi shout angrily at the duos who immediately surprised at her sudden exclaims, even all the members stared at their manager in surprised. "I swear if I saw you hurt my boyfriend, I'll never forgive the both of you!" Yachi shouts again and the words repeat in the idiotic duo's mind.



Their precious manager, Yachi-chan has boyfriend...?

Did they heard it wrong...?

"Yachi-chan, what did you just said?"

Tanaka, the bald one asks, hoping that he heard it wrong as Nishinoya the midget nodded. "I mean it what I just said! Now go sit in the corner! (If you guys know the reference, I love you guys XD HINT: It's from videogame)" Yachi shouts angrily and you can't help but stared at your girlfriend in awe who is glaring at her seniors duo who also stared at Yachi in shocked about the facts that the girl is shouting at them.

"Does this happens often?" You ask Kiyoko as the both of you and the rest of volleyball members watched how Yachi scolded angrily toward the duos who kneel down in front of her.

"You could say that..."


A/n: Alright, for the next chapter is the last chapter for this book since I already run out of ideas for any characters. And not only that, I can focus for the other haikyuu book where the reader aka you, being their little brother. You guys always comment it please update so yeah. The next chapter is the last one, remember that.

And, oh, did you watch yet? Hazbin Hotel? And you do know what that's mean, right?

Me: Alright, no more new story! I need to focus my old stories that haven't been update for fucking years!

New idea, new plot etc: I'm going to ruin this girl's whole career

Please help me... (T▽T)

I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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