Kozume Kenma

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Kozume Kenma, Nekoma's Setter


The members stopped play as soon as he heard unfamiliar voice calling out for their setter. Meanwhile Kenma who heard his boyfriend calling him, his eyes widen with full of surprised. "(N/n)? What are you doing here?" Kenma ask as he rushing toward you and the both of you hug together. "Well, I'm bored and besides, my parent are outstation until this Monday so my parent ask me to have sleepover at your house if your family fine with it." You explain to your short boyfriend and you chuckle when you saw his face lit up. "Oya oya oya? Hey Kenma, mind introduce this cutie?" Kuroo, Kenma's childhood asked as he wiggle his eyebrow at you making you blush while Kenma glared at his childhood friend. "Yeah, Kenma-san! Who's that?" Lev, the child of Viktor and Yuuri-Wait wtf I'm writing-asked in curiousity along with others. "Tch what a drag. This is (L/n) (M/n). He from Karasuno and he's Shoyo's cousin. Oh, he also my boyfriend." Kenma introduce yourself and dragging you away from your team to the bench, leaving the Nekoma stared at Kenma full of shocked that Kenma had a lover.


"Well you never ask."



You stared up at Lev with fear as your body started to tremble. 'Holy Sweet Mother of God, how tall is he?!!' You thought to yourself, still trembling as the tear drop appeared on your eye but not fully enough to make it roll down your cheeks.

The others except for Kenma who going to toilet while Lev who finish changing his clothes, changed their clothes and get shower since it's already at the end of practice and become curiousity child, Lev staring down at you

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The others except for Kenma who going to toilet while Lev who finish changing his clothes, changed their clothes and get shower since it's already at the end of practice and become curiousity child, Lev staring down at you.

The others except for Kenma who going to toilet while Lev who finish changing his clothes, changed their clothes and get shower since it's already at the end of practice and become curiousity child, Lev staring down at you

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"I-I-Is t-t-there something y-y-you w-w-want?" You asked in fear as Lev continue staring at you. "Is it true that you're Hinata's cousin?" Lev asked and you look at him in confused. "Y-Yes, why?" You ask again and before Lev did anything, Lev letting out yelp when the russian felt someone kicked him from behind.

"Idiot, you're scaring him! (L/n)-kun, are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm f-fine..."

You watch how your boyfriend's senior kicked his junior with sweatdropped. "They always like this so don't worry." You heard someone talk at behind you and you quickly turn around, to see a guy who taller than you and have an incredibld bed head. Like wow. "My name is Kuroo Tetsurou. Nice to meet (L/n)." Kenma watch you talking to his childhood friend from far, frowning to himself.

Call him selfish but who want their boyfriend or girlfriend talking to the stranger like how you and Kuroo chatting together.

Absolutelty not him.

With that, Kenma silently walking toward you and hug you from behind causing you jumped. "K-Kenma?" You call out slightly looking down at your boyfriend. Your height is same as Kenma but you taller than him in few inches.

"Let's go home."

"H-Huh? Kenma? H-Hey!"

Nekoma watch Kenma dragging you out from the gym, leaving them confused. Except for Yaku and Kuroo.

"Kuroo, did you just saw that?"

"Lol, totally saw that."


"K-Kenma! Hey, listen to me!"

Your scream had been ignored by Kenma as your boyfriend dragging you to his house. "Kenma, stop!" You shout and finally freeing your hand from Kenma's hand. "What's wrong with you? It's really to see you like this." You stated worriedly as Kenma avoiding his eye contact with you. "Kenma, are you....jealous?" You asked and much to your surprised, he nodded. With that answer, you smile at your boyfriend. "Oh Kenma, you dork. You do know that you will always be my number one, right?" You ask and Kenma nodded slowly. "Yeah but it just made me feel mad when I saw you talking with Kuroo. What are you two talking about anyway?" Kenma said and you giggled.

"Well, that's for you to find out~"

I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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