Tsukishima Kei

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A/N: For some reason, this stupid wattpad don't want put the plot in the middle.


Tsukishima Kei, The Middle Blocker of Karasuno

"Kei~! I bought you strawberry shortcake~!!"

Tsukishima flinched at the familiar voice while the others look at the (H/c) haired boy aka you in confused. "Umm...you know Salty-I mean Tsukishima?" Nishinoya ask and you letting out grin. "Of course I know him. He's my boyfriend!" You said happily and they all stared at you in shocked.

Except for Tsukishima who covering his face, embarrassment.



"Whaa-You two already go out in 3 years? How do you two met?" Yamaguchi asked, surprised that his childhood friend had boyfriend and he never know about it. You letting out a small laugh and grinned, looking at Yamaguchi. "Well, it's just nothing actually. He just save me from bullies that's all." You chuckled at the memories and Yamaguchi chuckled, joining you. "Umm, (L/n)-kun, is that a cake?" Hinata asked, pointing at the plastic bag in your hand and you just realized that.

"Oh yeah! Here Kei, your favorite." You gave the plastic bag to Tsukishima who just take it but in deep you know, Tsukishima is actually happy and he just don't want to show it. "Waahh, Tsukishima. You're lucky! Having a cute boyfriend and bring you some sweet for you! Aaahh, I wish Kiyoko-san doing that for me!" Tanaka shout and Nishinoya nodded and quickly looking at your way making you flinched.

"W-What is it??" You asked, confused and slightly little scared when they turn their gaze toward you in the same time. "Can you make some cake for us?" Tanaka and Nishinoya asked and you blinked. "Eh?" "Yeah! I also want to taste too! What do you say Kageyama?" "Shut up dumbass. If he didn't want to make, don't pressure him. Besides, will Tsukishima allowed him to bake cake for you guys?" Kageyama and the trio froze before glance toward Tsukishima who glared at the trio making the trio trembled in fear.

"Oh? It's fine. I can make the cake for you guys." You said happily making the trio staring at you with their eye sparkle while Tsukishima glared hardened toward the trio. "(N/n), you're not allowed to make cake for this idiots." Tsukishima said and the trio glared at him. "Huh?! What do you say?!" Tanaka shout and you let out chuckle. "Don't worry. I'll make for you guys. Even for the manager and the coach too." You said with smile and the managers along with coach blink.

"Are you sure?" Kiyoko asked and you just smile at her. "Don't worry! It's not that hard actually." You said with smile and look at your watch. "Oh, I guess it's time me to go." You said and quickly grabbing your bag before giving a peck on Tsukishima's cheek making he felt embarrassed. "Eh, (L/n)-san you already need to go?" Hinata ask and you smile, giving the paper.

"Yeah, need help my mom in the cafe. Come visit us if you like! The paper I gave you is the address. Kei can show you guys the way." You said with smile and Tsukishima clicked his tongue. "Tch, as if." You chuckled and said goodbye to Karasuno and walk away.

Extended Ending

Once Tsukishima's boyfriend had disappeared from their view, Hinata quickly asked. "Ne Tsukishima, where is he come from actually?" And everyone stared at him as Tsukishima flicked his glasses. "Actually, he from Nekoma High School and he also Nekoma's Setter's cousin." Tsukishima said and they all stared at Tsukishima with full of shock.


I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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