Special Chapter #2

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A/n: Starting from this chapter, I'll stop doing one shot and focus for the special chapters until I got my idea for Ennoshita because I still have no idea how to start. So enjoy~

*~What will happen if the characters paid a visit? Part 1~*

Sawamura Daichi

Daichi stand in front school gate with nervous looks. You know why? The school is not an ordinary school. It's the school where his boyfriend, (M/n) attended which they call Seirin High School.

You thought it would be fun if Daichi paid a visit during weekend so he can have sleepover in your house since his parent are out for three days because of their anniversary so you got your house by all yourself.

Which you can do anything you want.

After getting direction to the gym from the students, Daichi reach the gym where he heard the sound of squeaking shoes and the sound of someone dribbling the ball. Daichi decide to take a peak where he saw how beautiful you was when you make a shot right behind the line, getting 3 pointer. "Alright, nice shoot man!" Daichi watch the glasses guy slap his hand on your back where you let out yelp. "Hyuga, that hurt..." Daichi watch you playing together until the girl who seems a coach shout 5 minutes break and decide to call you out.


You heard your name been called and quickly turn around where your face lit up when you saw your boyfriend standing there. "Daichi!" You shout, rushing toward your boyfriend and quickly give a hug which Daichi quickly pushing you away because of your sweat body. "Aww, c'mon Daichi! I want hug!" You pouted and try to make a move but Daichi keep pushing you away from him. "Not with sweaty body of yours." Daichi said and you pouted more.

"(L/n)-kun, you know him?" You heard your coach ask and you grin, quickly hugging Daichi's bara arm which he just let you be. "Of course I know him! Meet Sawamura Daichi, Karasuno's Volleyball Member and my boyfriend!" You introduce Daichi to your teammate and quickly give a peck on his cheeks before your teammates shouted.


Daichi sweatdrop at their burst out while you giggle.

"They are so loud..."

"Now we can make a competition between your teammates and my teammates, which one is the loudest teammates."

"(N/n), no."

"(N/n), yes."

Sugawara Koushi

Sugawara thought why not visiting you at your highschool since he had free time right now, not to mention that the practice is cancel too. Sugawara reach (Highschool's name) which it's still in Miyagi but few miles from Karasuno Highschool which Sugawara need to take a bus to go there. He reach (Highschool's name) and quickly ask for directions.

After getting the directions, Sugawara walk toward the pool and saw you talking to your coach but that's not what make Sugawara staring at you. The reason why Sugawara staring at you is your body. Your feminine and masculine body are in his sight, not to mention that your nipples are pink. You unaware that your boyfriend is staring at you until you heard your junior calling out.

"(L/n)-senpai, someone is watching you." You blink and look towards where your junior pointed out which your face turning into deep red when you saw Sugawara who just staring at you with a pink tinted on his cheeks, waving at you with his sheepish smile on his face. "K-KOUSHI!?!" You shout, feeling embarrassed when your boyfriend saw your half naked form.

Even the two of you had been dating for a while, you still feels nervous and embarrassed about being half or full naked in front of your boyfriend, where Sugawara love to tease you about it.

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