Aone Takanobu

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I'm sorry if I haven't update this story because I got writer block. And honestly, I really want to one shot but I want to make the special chapters first but don't have any idea to do it. So I decide to continue until I have some random idea to do the special chapters. But not only that, since I had started new semester for my college, I probably getting more busy with assignments to do. And remember the Q&A video? We didn't make one yet because we're too busy with our own life. She busy with her works and she live too far from my place since we live in different states. Because of that, we still don't know when we're going to do it.

Sorry for late update so I hope you enjoy this one shot :D


Aone Takanobu, Dateko High Middle Blocker

"Taka-chan, I'm here like you ask for!"

You said, waving your hand to your boyfriend. All the team stared at you confused and surprised at your suddenly appeared in front of the gym. "Who's that?" Someone asked and they look surprised when they saw Aone waving at you. "Aone, you know him?" Fukutachi asked and Aone nodded.

"Yes. He's my boyfriend."



You watch your boyfriend finished training and you give him his water bottle. "So, (L/n)-san, where are you from?" The old captain,... asked and you smiled. "Oh, I'm from Aoba Johsai High School actually." You told them and you saw that they tensed when they just found out that their silent giant Aone's boyfriend from Aoba Johsai or Seijoh making you chuckle.

"Don't worry, I don't join volleyball club. I join Literature Club. So, you guys don't worry about me became a spy." You told them and they feel a little bit guilty. "O-Oh, we're so sorry for doubting you..." Fukutachi apologized and all you do just giggled. "It's fine. And, I'm the one that supposed to apologize because my cousin's behavior. He really love to get people on their nerve." You apologized and they blinked. "Your cousin? Can you tell us what his name?" Fukutachi asked again and you blinked.

"Oikawa Tooru, why?"



You and Aone said goodbye and walk to station, hand in hand. You talk about your day and Aone quietly listening to his boyfriend's ranting. You two reach the station and the both of you quickly take a seat. Knowing that nobody take a seat because how scary your boyfriend is, you glared at the people who gossip about how scary your boyfriend is.

"He's scary..."
"I wonder if he force that cutie to sit with him..."
"Poor guy..."

"Stupid judgemental people. Taka-chan, just ignored them alright?" You said, rubbing your boyfriend's hand as Aone gently grip your hand, telling that he's fine with it. "Hello cutie~" You and Aone look up to see the group of males walking toward you and their leader smirking at you. Knowing what this mean making you feel disgust about it.

"How about you ditch this....scary guy and hang out with us. How about it?" The leader of the group ask, the smirking still on his face. You stared at the group in disgusting silently before dragging Aone to another seat but stop when one of them grab you arm harshly. "Did you heard what he said?" One of them ask and this time you show the disgust on your face, scoffing at him. "Well, this scary guy you talking about is my BOYFRIEND. So, how about I give you an advice? Leave me the fuck alone and make a plan for you bright future instead doing here nothing but being like an idiot in public?" You growl, letting your arm out from his grip and dragging away.

"Oooh~ Fiesty~ I like-"

Before the leader finish it, you grab his arm and throw him over your shoulder. Everyone in train look at you in shock, never expected that the short boy can do that move. The leader that you had just throw him off groan in pain as the others standing there, didn't doing anything. "Just take that as a warning, would you? Talk a shit about my boyfriend, you're next. Now, if you excuse us." You growl, glaring at everyone in the train who just witnessed and dragging Aone out from the train once the train arrive the station where you two going to get off.

"(N/n)...?" You heard Aone calling your nickname and you turn around. "Thank you..." Aone said softly and you let out a smile, knowing that Aone mentioning about the accident in train. "No need to thank me, Taka-chan. Nobody, NOBODY can talk shit about you. You're my boyfriend and I'm your boyfriend. And I only chose you even if you scary guy. Besides, that guy is ugly and you handsome with those looks along with your teddy heart." You giggled, glomping Aone who blushed at your words as he buried his face into your (H/c) hair.

"I-I love you, (N/n)..."

"I love you too, Taka-chan! No wait, wrong word. I love you too, Teddy!"

I do not own Haikyuu

I also do not own you

I do not own any pictures or video

And what I only own is the plot of the story.

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