Chapter 4

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The light peered through the blinds, shining directly on my face causing me to wake up. I stretched and realize I was in bed alone, when I finally got the strength the open my eyes there was a little note on the bed.

"Good Morning Babe. Had to go to training and I didn't wake you because I know I wore that ass out, so you could use the sleep..."

I laughed to myself, rolling my eyes.

"I'll be back by 2, so start getting ready before I get back because I'll take about 30 minutes to get ready, you take about 30 years. Oh and I made you breakfast, it'll probably be cold by the time you wake up, but it's the thought that counts right?


The love of your life."

"So stupid" I said to myself, smiling, continuing to stare at the letter. The central air was on full blast so I wrapped the sheet around my naked body and headed to the bathroom. I struggled for about five minutes figuring out how to get the water on warm, giving myself what felt like first degree burns in the process.

When I got out and finished putting on my favorite, Love Spell, lotion from Victoria Secret then I threw on one of my a white v-neck, some lace underwear, and my long socks. Downstairs on the table was a plate with pancakes, salami, fried eggs and a cinnamon raisin bagel; all of my favorites. It was cold, but nothing a microwave and a toaster couldn't fix. While my food warmed up I poured myself a glass of Moscato, played some Pandora from her TV, and had a karaoke session. After about three glasses of wine, I was really into it and when Music for Love by Mario came on I went off, grinding on the counters and singing into my glass like it was a microphone. You would think I was putting on a show for someone, but that was and always will be one of my favorite songs. It even slipped my mind that I was hungry, but as soon as the song was over my stomach reminded me again.I grabbed my food out the microwave and started going through every drawer looking for the utensils.

"What the hell? Where does this girl keep her forks?" I said aloud. I pulled open a drawer packed with mail, and letters fell out onto the floor. I start to pick them up and realize they were all letters from her cousins, our friends, and I. I stuffed them all back in the drawer and closed it, when I saw that I had forgotten one. It wasn't in an envelope so I unfolded it to see who it was from. My eyes skimmed the paper, sweeping from left to right and after each line they moved faster. When I got to the end my blood was boiling. I felt a wave a heat over me, my jaw clenched, and my heart started to race.

Pissed didn't even being to describe my feeling at the moment. She's a liar! Why wouldn't she tell me?! I tried to calm myself down but it was a failed attempt. I always had a problem with my anger and lashing out. It was something I constantly worked on, but it was hard. I don't think rational when I'm mad, I don't think at all. But when it comes to the people I care about like Callie, Ariana, Sasha or Yalissa (other close friends of mine) I try my hardest to think. I drank a couple more glasses of wine hoping it would help me calm down, instead it did the opposite, and I just read the letter over and over. Each time got me madder than the last.

The door unlocked and I could hear Callie taking off her boots.

"I'm home baby." she yelled

I sat on the couch in silence, waiting for her to see me.

"Helloooo ba— please tell me that's what you're wearing. Why aren't you dressed?" She said when she finally did see me. I didn't say anything. "....What's wrong?" she asked reluctantly.  

I just stared at her. My heart was beating faster and I knew if I started talking at that moment I wouldn't be able to hold it in.

"Babe, what's wrong?" she repeated this time walking over to me.

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