Chapter 39

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"Do you want a big wedding or a small one?" My mother asked as she sipped her coffee. We were by ourselves in the kitchen cooking breakfast for everyone else while they slept. She was dressed in her Winnie the Pooh scrubs and had to leave for work in about 30 minutes.

"It doesn't matter to me. I have a lot of friends and so does Avery so it'll probably be big. I just want it to be near water, like by an ocean, not on the actual beach but close to it."

"Do you know what month?"

"Well we're waiting until after the twins are born so maybe in October. They'll be six months then and Maddie could walk them down the aisle in a little wagon." I smiled thinking about how the time would fly and how big and beautiful my princesses would be in their gowns, including Maddie. I couldn't wait for the babies to be here it seemed like it was taking forever, and I grew more and more impatient each day.

"Who's going to walk you down the aisle?" My mother always had a million and one questions.

"I haven't told Avery yet but Maddie's father, Austin, is really sick. I was hoping if he made it until then that he could. I know it would mean a lot to Avery."

"That's so cute baby. What about the colors?"

"I don't know. What do you think?" Maddie came running into the kitchen and wrapped herself around my hips.

"Good morning, baby" I said crouching down to kiss her.

"Good morning, Auntie. Good morning, Nana." she said running over to her. My mother picked her up and hugged and kissed her as well.

"Good morning, baby."

"What do you think Maddie? What color should auntie's wedding be?"

"PINK!" she yelled.

"Pink it is. Maybe like a very light pink and a champagne color?"

"Pink is perfect." my mother said to Maddie. I scooped the eggs out of the pan onto a plate and set it on the table next to the plates of pancakes, bacon, sausages, and toast. My mother sat Maddie at the table and helped her pick out some food while I poured her and I glasses of juice.

"Okay, I should get going. I'll see you guys later."

"Bye." we both yelled from the kitchen as she walked out.

"Am I going to be in the wedding?" Maddie asked, her cheeks puffed full with eggs.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, that's bad manners. But yes my princess, of course. I want you to walk the babies down the aisle."

"We're going on an island?!"

"No baby, the aisle. You know when we went to church and went up to get the bread and the grape juice."


"Remember we had to walk in between all the benches to get it, that's space where we walked is called an aisle."

"Ohhh, your wedding is going to be in the church?"

"I'm not sure yet baby. Maybe?"

"Well if it is I hope there's more bread and grape juice." I laughed and she giggled with me.

"I want to laugh too." Avery said walking towards us. "Good morning." he smiled tilting my head back and kissing me upside down.


"Good morning, baby" he kissed Maddie's cheeks which were full again but she didn't respond remembering how I had scolded her before. He sat beside her as I grabbed a plate for him out of the cabinet and handed it to him. I studied him while he ate, from his messy brown hair, to his strong defined jaw clenching with each chew, how he licked his lips after taking sips of the orange juice, and the deep dimple in his cheek every time Maddie made him laugh. His eyes caught mine and he blushed so boyishly I grinned.

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