Chapter 37

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I was at a loss for words. My heart had sank into my stomach and all I could do was cry into my free hand.

"Say yes, Auntie!" Maddie yelled. I chuckled along with Ariana who I was sure was the one who told her to say that.

"Yes" I said nodding. Avery grinned childishly as he slipped the ring on my finger. He stood to his feet and pulled me into a long deep kiss. I held tightly around his waist surrendering myself to his lips. Electricity ran through our bodies as the middle of my thighs clenched. He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back. Quickly, I composed myself remembering everyone else was watching.

"You okay?" Avery asked smirking

"Yeah" I laughed wiping the last of my tears, or at least what I thought was the last of them. I sat beside Avery and kissed him one more time. The click of an iPhone camera separated us and I turned my attention to the direction of the flash.  Yalissa grinned so largely I was sure her face was going to get stuck like that. I held out my hand admiring the ring, it was a large flawless square diamond outlined with smaller diamonds and the band had diamonds on it as well. My finger looked small in comparison. I rested my head on his shoulder and intertwined my fingers with his. I stared at him adoringly as he carried on conversations. Occasionally, I joined in but my focus was on him. I was so happy, so moved, so in love. I moved his hand to my stomach as the babies kicked wildly.

"They're happy."

"That makes three of us." Avery said kissing me, my lips never grew tired of his touch.

"Four."  I grinned. I look down at my food but I wasn't hungry. Butterflies consumed my stomach. So I sat quietly as I played with the ring on my finger.

"You're not going to eat anything?" Ariana asked

"I'm not hungry."

"Baby eat. Want some of my food?" Avery said

"I'm serious, I'm not hungry." Avery gave me a "yeah right" look and I tried to hide my smile but my attempt was failed. Avery laughed as I covered my mouth. Nothing was funny but we both couldn't contain the joy we felt.

"You guys are too cute!" Channy whined. I blushed picking up my spoon and ate a mouthful of my clam chowder. Creamy, warm, chunks of clam and potatoes filled my mouth and once I had a taste I had to have more. Clam chowder was one of my favorites, if made correctly, and this surpassed my expectations. The waiter came back and removed the empty bowl from in front of me and placed the bill in the center of the table but before he could walk away Avery handed him his card. I reached in my purse to grab cash for the tip but Avery stopped me, everyone else chipped in though; disregarding his repeated declines of their money.

"Come on, Maddie. We're going with Uncle Avery." I said after giving everyone their hugs goodbye. She skipped in our direction and leaped into Avery's arms. He nuzzled his head in her neck, tickling her as she giggled and squirmed in his arms. I watched them happily as I made my way around the car. The headlights flashed twice, indicating the doors were unlocked and I slid in while Avery fastened Maddie in her seat. I rested my head on the seatbelt, holding up my hand as I admired the ring. It was perfect just like that the man who put it there. I was elated.

"You like it?" he asked interrupting my train of thought.

"I love it." I smiled shyly. "Thank you." I said planting another kiss on his lips. He opened the glove compartment and removed the velour ring box. I took it from his hand and opened it, revealing his wedding band.

"Avery Dylan Walker, will you marry me?" I giggled. He pretended to cry, mimicking me and I laughed harder punching his arm.

"Yes" he smirked. I slid the ring onto his finger, then pulled his hand up to my lips and kissed it.

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