Chapter 19

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I love the way you pulling up to that beach, bumping all of your beats, jays on with your shades on just to bring me something to eat. We all sang as we coincidentally pulled up to Brighton beach. Every time I heard this song it brought me back to my birthday. I pulled into the spot next to Avery and hopped out. The beach was huge, there was so many people here but because of its size it didn't seem like there was. My attention was drawn to the beautiful multi-colored little sheds that lined the top part of the beach.

"What are those?" I asked him

"They're bathing boxes, just little sheds that you can sit in if you own one."

"They're so cute. I wish we had one" Channy said frowning.

"I do" Avery smiled. We walked over to a bright blue, red, and yellow one. When he unlocked it there were lounge chairs inside. I sat on the lounging chair and just watched the water crashing the shore and embraced the breeze. Ariana, Yolanda, and Channy pulled their chairs out on the sand so they could tan. I was good in that department so I stayed in the shade.

"I'm hungry." I said to Avery as he laid down on the chair next to me.

"The food shop is over there" he said pointing. I raised my eyebrow and gave him a look. He looked back at me and laughed.

"Just kidding, what would you like my queen" he bowed sarcastically

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I laughed. "Can I have cheese fries ... you guys have that here right?"

"Yes, your highness. Anything else."

"Shut up." I laughed swatting at him. He dodged my hand and headed over to the stand dragging Malcolm along with him.

"Yeah I'm hungry too." Yalissa said to Jamal

"Sounds like a personal problem." Yalissa gasped and punched him in his chest. I covered my mouth to hide my laughter.

"What you want man?!" Jamal grumbled angrily rubbing the spot where she had hit him.

"A hot dog please and thank you." she said innocently as if she didn't just hit him the second before.

"Whatever man, you play too much." he said walking away, then running to catch up with Avery and Malcolm.

"OH AND A WATER!" she yelled

"TWO WATERS" I yelled we both smiled at each other deviously and she moved to the chair next to me.

"So what does it feel like?" she smiled looking at my stomach

"Nothing, well physically I feel nothing. Besides cravings and having to pee every three seconds. But emotionally it's a roller coaster. I feel like a constant high. Like I'm so happy all the time to know that he or she is there. I feel like I'm never alone now. But I also feel scared, scared that my baby won't make it, scared about what's to come, scared that I'm not going to be a good mommy. It's a lot."

"Aww, don't be scared. You're going to be a great mommy. I mean of course you're going to make mistakes we all do but that doesn't make you any less of a mother. Plus we'll all be here to help you."

"Thank you." The boys came back with our food and a whole bunch of stuff for them. Even though Avery had a handful of food for himself he insisted on eating my fries.

"Babe, why didn't you just buy yourself cheese fries?" I asked feeding him another one.

"I did, what yours is mine right?" he smiled sticking out his lips to kiss me.


"You weren't saying that last night" He said mumbled. Jamal and Yalissa busted out laughing

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