Chapter 23

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Today was our last day in Australia. Our flight was early tomorrow morning so we all decided to spend today sight-seeing. We dropped the cars off at the rental place and then walked from there. We didn't have anywhere specific to go. We just walked around enjoying the natural beauty of Melbourne. I admired the graffiti that beautifully decorated some of the walls of the brick buildings. I stopped to take a picture in front of one and uploaded it to Instagram. It started getting chilly so Avery pulled off his sweater so that I could wear it.

"Thanks babe" I said wrapping my arms around his so that he could be a little warmer too. We stopped at a small restaurant and sat at the tables outsides that lined the street. I looked at the menu and knew exactly what I wanted as soon as I read it.

"Mmm, salt and pepper calamari" I rolled my eyes as if just saying that out loud gave me pleasure. Avery laughed and continued to look over his menu. I looked over to the other table to see Jacob and Ariana laughing and talking and shook my head as I smiled.

"Those two are something else." I thought to myself.

Lunch was delicious. I was so full from my calamari and the little bit of chicken parmigiana I stole off Avery's plate. I was feeling so tired but Avery had one stop for us planned first before we headed back to the hotel. We continued to walk when he stopped us outside of the Sea Life Aquarium. The building was grand and beautiful. I could hear rushing water and kid's laughter as soon as I walked in. We started with the interactive exhibit where I got to touch a starfish and glide my hand on the back of a stingray. I was petrified of touching the stingray but Avery started making fun of me so I did it to spite him. Inside I was having a heart attack but on the outside I smiled. Next we went to the crocodile exhibit. The tour guide  explained to us that Pinjarra, that was the crocodile's name, was Melbourne's only mega croc.

"Aw that's nice, well Autumn, that's me, is mega scared sooo next exhibit please" Everyone busted out laughing including the guide.

We moved on and watched as some people dived with the sharks. I was waiting for a freak accident to happen but nothing. The sharks just went about their business. It seemed pretty cool although I would never be able to do that. Even though I was terrified of sharks, I admired them from a distance. I thought they were intriguing creatures and I gawked at them as they swam around so dominantly. They were my favorite animals besides elephants. The last exhibit we stopped at was by far my favorite though; the penguins! I loved penguins they were so cute and if I could have a pet one I would. Avery wrapped his arms around my waist as we listened to the guide explain the history behind the exhibit and each penguin"

"And Mr.Walker had a surprise arranged for all of you." I looked up at Avery confused but he just smiled back down at me.

"Here at the Sea Life Aquarium we have a program called the penguin passport. In this program we each give you a snow gear and take you on a 45 minute tour on the ice to see the majestic King and Gentoo penguins and to see how the state of the art exhibit keeps subzero temperatures. Sound good?"

"Yeah!" I cheered. I was so excited I was going to see the penguins up close! We could only go in four at a time so Avery, Channy, Yolanda, and I went first. After we were suited up the instructor briefed us not to put our hands inside the play pen or antagonize the penguins. Holding Avery's hand as we walked in, I crouched down directly in front of one of the penguins and cooed and waved at it.

"Aww the little chuchii" I whined.

"Little chuchii?" Avery asked crouching down next to me.

"Yeah, you never heard me say that before? It's like aw the little baby, or cutie."

"Interesting" he laughed.

I was elated as more penguins waddled over to where I was sitting.

"I think they like you," the guide smiled continuing with the tour.

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