Chapter 12

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Three months had passed since I moved in with Yolanda. Yolanda and I decided it would be better for me to stay here. I was lonely and sat at home all day with all the memories of Callie and she enjoyed my company as well. For the first couple weeks the days were easy but once she left to go work at Lust it was terrible. I had nothing but time, and all that time just reminded me of how much of it was left before I could hear Cal's voice again, and how much more time was left until I could touch her again. I was slowly falling into a depression. School was out so it's not like I could even keep myself busy with that either. I tried to keep myself surrounded with people to distract me but all my friends worked at Lust the same nights, at the same time and Ariana didn't want me coming back in for a while because she was afraid the guy from that night was stalking me. So the only one I could think to turn to was Avery, so I did. We started to hang out every night. He always found something new for us to do. It was nice to have an escape, a shoulder to cry on, someone to laugh with, someone to confide in, and someone who understood what I was going through. He was my best friend.

My arm was fully recovered so I didn't have to wear the sling anymore, although it was still slightly sore but it was much better and I could do almost everything for myself. I was cooking dinner for myself when I got a text from Avery.

Avery: Disneyland tn?

Me: OMG YES! I haven't been there in forever.

Avery: lol ok, I'll get u in about an hour

Me: okay see you then.

I was so excited to go to Disneyland. I went there once when I first moved to California and never found time to go back again. I finished making the shrimp alfredo and left it on the stove to cool for a bit while I went upstairs to pick out an outfit. I took out my white crop top, paired it with my white ripped high waist shorts, some red chucks, and my gold link chain. I hopped in the shower, brushed my teeth and then proceeded to straighten my hair. These were one of the almost tasks that I was talking about. It hurt my arm to hold it up for so long, but I fought through the pain. After my hair was done I tied it up in a ponytail and got dressed. Surprisingly I got all of that done in 52 minutes. I was pretty proud of myself. I headed back downstairs, grabbed a bowl pasta with a glass of water and stuffed my face.

"Why is Draya so sexy?" I thought out loud as an episode of Basketball Wives LA began to play.

The doorbell rang and it was Mariah. I kissed her on the cheek and she came in taking a seat with me on the couch.

"Aww you look cute. Where you going?" she asked.

"Disney! I'm so excited." I exclaimed.

"Aww with who Avery?"

I nodded continuing to eat.

"I think he likes you"

I rolled my eyes "We're just friends."

"Maybe to you, you're just friends. But maybe he thinks it's more. I don't know?" she walked over to the kitchen and started to make herself a bowl of the pasta too.

"He knows we're just friends. We talk about Cal all the time and he's never tried anything."

"I don't know! I'm just saying I would never just be taking a girl I was just friends with to Disneyland at night. Only way I'm doing that is if I'm trying to fuck." she replied while said stuffing food in her mouth

I didn't say anything. Was everything he did for me genuine or did he really have ulterior motives? She did have a point. I mean I wouldn't be doing this for just any girl either. I started to believe what she was saying and it made me upset. I rarely trusted people and for some reason I let Avery in without any struggle. To think that he would take advantage of that and make me think that he actually cares made my blood boil.

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