Chapter 36

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Unfortunately, our trip in Australia was cut short. We spent Christmas Day there and had to fly back two days later. Besides, the fact that I would miss Sandy I wasn't too disheartened about leaving. Moments of happiness were short lived from the cloud of Austin's condition that grew worse day by day. Maddie hasn't been the same since we had to leave. It hurts me to see her so gloomy. I just wish I could take the pain away. I'd do anything to have my old Maddie back.

"Auntie will be back, baby." I said kissing Maddie's head while she rested between Ariana's legs, watching TV, with Cloud on her lap.

"Okay" she said dryly

"Babe, we're going to be late." Avery said impatiently waiting for me at the front door. His face was distressed and tired, his hair messy, but his black suit crisp. The end of the trial was pushed up to today and I had to be present for the delivery of the verdict. I smoothed my white dress over my stomach as I walked over to him and linked his arm with mines to help balance myself as I walked down the steps in my tan sandal heels.

"You okay?" He asked interrupting to my blank stare.

"Yeah." I lied. I was far from okay. My stomach felt queasy like I was in my first trimester all over again. The babies were kicking like crazy, my heart was beating twice the normal rate, and my hands were clammy and cold. Callie always seems to have this affect on me but this time was way different from all the others. This time it wasn't out of love but fear. I hadn't seen Cal since the incident and I was absolutely dreading it now.

"Why is Avery driving so fast?" I thought to myself . The longer it took for us to get there the better.

"I'll drop you off in the front while I find parking so you don't have to walk?"


"Why not? It's always crowded downtown we might not find anything close."

" It's fine. I'll walk."

"Babe, you're not going to see her. She's already inside. You don't have anything to be afraid of she can't hurt you anymore." He said taking my hand into his but my fear was stagnant. He waited until we reached a red light then looked to me with a frown but didn't say anything else. Avery parked the car then walked around to my side and held his hand out to me. We had parked three blocks down. It wouldn't have been a bad walk at all if I wasn't three times my normal size and in heels.

"Good thing I brought my flip flops." I thought.

"I'm just going to take my shoes off" I said stopping to lean against a parking meter.

"Did you bring extra shoes?"

"Yeah." I searched through my purse but couldn't find them. Suddenly I had remembered I took them out when I was looking for the keys to give to Avery.

"I forgot them!" I whined.

"Come here"

"What?" I said stepping forward confusingly. I looked down to my dress and behind me thinking he was referring to something on me and before I knew it I was scooped into his arms.

"Avery! Put me down. Everyone's looking." I laughed holding on tightly. I was terrified he was going to drop me.

"Let them look." he smiled. I rested my read on his shoulder until he placed me gently down on the courthouse steps. I pulled my dress back down and straightened his tie before heading inside. My nerves had momentarily disappeared while I was in Avery's arms but now they had resurfaced again. The court halls were grand but quiet and the click clack of my heels echoed throughout the building. Malcolm and my Lawyer, David, were sitting outside the courtroom waiting for me. I hugged Malcolm and shook David's hand then introduced him to Avery.

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