Chapter 35

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I threw the covers off of me as I woke up feeling extremely warm. Maddie's arm was wrapped around me from behind, her tiny hand rested flat on the side my stomach.  I gently lifted her arm off and turned so I was facing her. I wiped away the few sweatbeads on her forehead before kissing it. She squirmed and then turned over and slapped her hand onto Avery's chest making him jump in his sleep. He looked at me with squinted eyes then down at Maddie realizing the blow came from her and pulled her in closer before falling back asleep. I smiled at them, happy that this was how it was going to be from now on, me and my babies, including Avery the biggest baby of them all. I stood on my swollen feet and grabbed my phone off the charger to take a picture of them then made my way downstairs.

"Good morning" Sandy smiled as I walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning" I smiled back kissing her cheek.

"How did you sleep?"

"Maddie cried for most of the night so I didnt get much."

"She's not the only one." Sandy frowned while she shuffled around the eggs in the pan.

"I'm sorry."

"Aw no hunny don't be." she said rubbing my back. "Sit, I'll make you a plate." She smiled. I pulled out the chair nearest to her while I went through my email. Although I couldnt physically do anything at Lust I still helped with paperwork, promotions, and bookings as much as I could.

"Hey, no phones while you eat!" Sandy said taking the phone out of my hand and replacing it with a plate of eggs stuffed with mushrooms and tomatoes, sausages, and toast.

"Thank you" I laughed. "Sandy do you have any vegemite?" I asked

"Of course! I didnt know you liked it or I would have put some on there. I'm sorry."

"Oh no it's fine! I actually don't like it but I think the babies do because I've been craving it a lot lately."

"True Aussies." she smiled handing me the jar and knife.

As I covered my toast in the thick dark brown spread I could hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned my head and smiled as Avery walked over to me, shirtless, with Maddie in his arms resting on his shoulder. His hair was messy and his eyes were still low as he smiled back and my heart melted.

"Good Morning." I grinned placing my hand on his butt as he leaned over to kiss me.

"Mm morning" he said pulling away then kissing me again.

"Oh get a room" his mother joked.

"Morning mum" he laughed kissing her cheek.

"Good morning, Avery." she said placing a plate she had already made for him next to me. He sat down and placed Maddie on his lap. She frowned as she aggresively rubbed her eyes trying to position herself against Avery's body so she could go back to sleep but Avery wouldn't let her.

"Time to wake up, princess." Avery said shaking his knee.

"Good morning, baby." I said squeezing her cheeks together with my hand. She streched out her arms and Avery passed her to me. "Can I have a kiss?" She nodded and pecked my lips before laying her head in the crook of my neck. Avery looked at me with a straight face and I laughed.

"Come on, baby. You have to wake up." I said standing up and walking into the living room. "Look, Santa was here last night. Look at all the gifts he got you." and with those words Maddie was no longer tired. Her head quickly shot up and her mouth dropped.

"Can I open them?!"

"Not yet, but Uncle Avery got you a gift and he forgot to bring inside it inside. It's on the back porch can you go grab it please?" I asked putting her down.

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