Chapter 25

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I drove up to my house and sat in the car outside for a while. I called Avery's phone but I was sent to voicemail. After about five times of doing this I gave up. I stared at the house and thought to myself that in a few moments it was all going to come crashing down. I pressed my head against the seat and slammed it a few more times in frustration. You have to do this. I slammed the car door behind me and headed towards the front. I felt like I was walking to my doom. As I was walking up the drive way I spotted a skunk and immediately decided to use the back door. I opened the door and paused before stepping in. This is it I thought to myself.

When I stepped inside, the door shut behind me. Before I could turn I felt an arm wrap around my neck and a cold, hard metal held to my head. I was paralyzed with fear. Tears effortlessly flowed from my face.

"Callie!" I screamed for her help, then the person dropped me to the ground. When I turned around to face them it was Cal. Her eyes were wide and she was breathing heavily. She looked just as terrified as I was. I stared at the gun shaking in her hand.

"Callie... Please put the gun down." I cried my body shaking with fear. She looked at her hands horrified and then dropped it to the floor. Suddenly it was like she was broken from a trance and she crawled over to my aid.

"Baby, I'm so sorry," she said kissing my face and hugging me. I could smell the liquor on her breath. My heart was still pounding and I didn't hug her back. All I could do was stare at the gun on the ground while my body quivered. She helped me to stand up and I backed away from her. She watched as I walked away and ran upstairs. I locked myself in the bathroom and ran my hands across my neck as I started to cry. I quickly opened, walked over to the closet, and pulled out a big tote bag. I started to stuff as much clothes in it as possible, crying as I shoved clothes in my bag.

"What are you doing?" I jumped at the sound of Callie's voice. I paused looking up at her. Her eyes moved rapidly back and forth between me, the clothes, and the bag. The only sound you could hear was that of my breath.

"I'm leaving."

"But what about tonight, I thought we were going to Lust together?"

My eyes grew wide and I felt fury surge through my body. "LUST?! YOU ALMOST KILLED ME AND YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT GOING TO LUST?"

"DON'T FUCKING..." she exhaled loudly calming herself down. "Don't... yell at me." I continued to stare at her with terror in my eyes. My gaze followed her every move as she walked over to the bed. She hunched over and started to cry. I watched from a distance and gradually my fear turned into compassion and sympathy. I slowly walked over to her and crouched down in front of her.

"What's going on with you?" I asked. She didn't answer me she just sobbed. I stood up and she wrapped herself around my hips. I patted her head as she cried and tears fell down from my face too.

"Callie, I have to go."

"Please don't leave." she whispered still not letting go.

"I... I have to go to work." I lied. I never really had to go into Lust if I didn't want to.

"Please," she begged. Just like that I couldn't do it, I couldn't leave her like this. I didn't want to drag myself any deeper in but I was scared not even for me but for herself. I laid down on the bed and she curled up next to me. I watched her as she just stared off in space and I pondered where her head was. She fell soundly asleep in my arms after hours of pure silence. I slipped from underneath her. I looked over to the clock on the dresser; 1:15. I headed downstairs and sat at the island with my head in my hands. I reached for my phone and called Avery again, still no answer. I sighed and moved over to the couch so I could try to calm myself down. I flipped through the channels and surprisingly Arthur was on. I immediately felt a sort of comfort like as if Maddie was by my side right now and this time she was soothing me instead of the other way around. I smiled and laid down as I continued to watch the show.

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