Chapter 27

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"Autumn, my name is David. Can you hear me?" I heard faintly. He repeated it again and this time it was much louder. I was strapped to a stretcher as blue and red lights beamed on my face. My eyes adjusted to a tall, caramel skinned man, with strong arms and hazel eyes in a blue EMT uniform. I finally came to realization with what was going on and went into full fledge panic.

"My baby?! Is my baby okay?! Just tell me is my baby okay?!" I yelled

"Autumn, I need you to stay calm okay." I was overwhelmed with fear, anger, and pain that I couldn't help but cry.

"Please save my baby."

"We're going to do everything in our power to. But in order to do so I need you to try hard to remain calm."

"Okay," I tried to nod but the brace around my neck prevented me from doing so.

Another EMT recorded my body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiration rate while David continued to try and keep me tranquil.

"Autumn, I'm going to have to ask you a few of questions, okay? You don't have to answer them if you don't want to."


"Did your partner do this to you?" I immediately squeezed my eyes together and started to cry again.

"It's okay, You're safe now."

 "Yes." I finally answered. I winced as the other EMT cleaned up a gash on my forehead.

"Sorry" she said before continuing.

"Okay. Can you tell me what was happening before the altercation?"

"Um... I told her that I was leaving her because..." I started to cry harder. I was so filled with shame and embarrassment. I was scared that if I told him the reason why he wouldn't sympathize with me anymore.

"It's alright you're doing well. We're almost at the hospital."

"Are any of your friends and family aware that you have been hurt?"


"Is there anyone you would like us to call?"

"Yes" I paused to catch my breath. "My friend, Ariana."

"And where can I find her number? Do you know it off the top of your head?"

"No, it's in my phone... I don't know where it is." I cried. "It was on the counter in the kitchen. Callie put it there after she called the police."

"The police confiscated your phone but we'll call them as soon as we get to the hospital. How far along are you in your pregnancy?"

"I just turned 18 weeks."

"Can you recall if there were any direct blows to your abdomen?"

"I don't think so. I was trying to cover my stomach the whole time. She was hitting my back, head, and legs. I might have hit my stomach when I dropped to the floor. I don't want to live if my baby doesn't. Don't let my baby die, David. Please!"

"We're going to do everything we can but you have to stay positive. You did a great job blocking your stomach and there hasn't been any vaginal bleeding so things are looking good so far. Okay?"

"Okay." I sighed. "Where's Callie? You have to find her if she finds me she'll hurt me or my baby again. Please you..." I started to panic again. I was hyperventilating as the image of her fists pounding my face replayed over and over in my head. Callie was once my protector and now she was the one I needed protection from.

"She's currently in custody Autumn. No one is going to be hurting you anymore. Trust me."

"She is?"

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