Perfect Boy

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It's been already s few weeks since Alex arrived to Kings College and in that time he had grown really close to John. Just like Burr warned him a while ago, everyone started avoiding him. Soon he was known as The Weird Boy That Hangs Out With The Crazy Boy.

But Alex didn't mind, he was satisfied with being friends with John. Didn't need anyone else.

And well, it is true that the boy has his problems. He would start saying that he was useless and the only thing that he did was scare people away when he was left alone for a while, that's why Alex tried to be with him most of the time.

Would space out a lot and start talking to himself at any minute and it's basically disgusted by all humanity except Alexander.

He would also tend to call Alex "Pretty Boy" instead of his name, apparently he always ends up forgetting his name and can be quite possessive sometimes. Not that Alex minded, he was already used to it.

John really surprised Alex, when they first meet he seemed shy and calm, but when he got to know him he found out that he wasn't like that al all.

He also suffers from panic attacks sometimes, Alex always tries to do the best he can ti help him, it hurts him seeing John like that.

It was Thursday and Alex was heading to John's and his usual spot, they would meet there every morning and walk to classes together.

He started looking around, looking for John when he heard someone screaming.


Alex smiled and went to John. Gave him a quick hug, he knew John liked hugs, and started walking to classes.

Like always, everyone was looking at them, either with a pity look or a weird out or disgusted look. But they didn't care.

John had received those looks for most of his life and Alex, well he doesn't exactly cares about people and their opinions about him.

Alex wanted to start a conversation but he was already talking to himself, so he let him be.

"What do you mean?.....No, only I can touch Pretty Boy's hair....Shut up weird shadow" Alex chuckled quietly, he was so cute.

Alex didn't understood why people avoided Laurens, they didn't need to be scared of him. He was perfect just the way he was, with flaws and everything.

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