White Hospital Rooms

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"John?" Alex called from the doorway.

"Yeah, Pretty Boy?"

"I'm gonna visit Angelica, do you wanna come?"


John finished writing something on his diary and closed it forcefully, then hid it under the mattress. It was better if Alexander never knew about the words written on that notebook.

He stood and followed Alexander out of the door, wishing he could just turn back and lock them both in the door room. Just him and he. John was tired of the constant visits to Angelica at the hospital. In the last week and a half Alex had been visiting her almost everyday, and since John wasn't planning on leaving his Pretty Boy alone with that Unsatisfied Bitch, he had to go too.

It would be better if she just rotted to death on that hospital bed


Happy happy


It would be better if she had just died on the fall.


Yours only


It would be better if she had just died on the fall.

No. John abruptly shock his head, he wasn't gonna kill the girl.

"Shut up you fucking cunt bitch" John growled at the voice on his head, cursing like a sailor. Spending so much time with Alex had definitely added some new words to his vocabulary.

"You okay Jacky?" His boy worriedly asked, only earning an energetic nod and a sweet smile in response.

"Alright" Alex smiled back.

He stood in front of the white hospital door with the number 780 on it. He was feeling dizzy, all of this white, the dreadful smell of sickness and latex, the people rushing from door to door. It made him sick, it's like he had been here for so long.

John barely remembered anything before turning 16, only white lights and the taste of tears. The sound of screams. Maybe even the smell of latex, but he wasn't sure. He never was, the world had always been a place where he was lost. The only thing he was sure about was Alexander and how much he loves him.

His Pretty Boy.

The only thing between he and him is the bitch on the other side of the door.

John had to endure to live in a world without any memories of his past, so Angelica would have to endure a world without any memories of his precious Alex.

It was her price to pay.

Alexander opened the door and greeted Angelica with a charming smile, making her blush furiously. John didn't like that.

Only he was supposed to get charming smiles from Alex.

"Hey Angie, how's it going?" Alex cheerfully asked.

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