Miss Reynolds

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Act 2

John carelessly put his legs on the now empty chair in front of him on his American History class. Oh, what a joy. He could see a faceless person's reflection on the window, and even though it didn't have a mouth or eyes, John felt like it was staring at him with a smile. Now even his demons were happy with him, what a joy, what a joy.

He looked out the window, ignoring the faceless person's reflection. On the hall, he saw a girl wearing blue. With an anguished expression on her soft face she was pasting signs on the walls. In the white papers there was a face John knew very well. It seemed like someone was looking for The Unsatisfied Bitch.

What a shame that she was too busy burning on the fiery pits of hell.

Oh well.

John smiled to himself, looking away from the distressed girl. What a joy his life was right now.


John arrived to his dorm a little later than usual, he had gotten distracted talking to some shadow near the school's fountain. He opened the door cheerfully only to find a sleeping Alexander on his bed. He smiled, and sat next to him.

With a tender touch, John removed some rebel strands of hair that had fallen on Alexander's beautiful face. On his forehead, there was a tiny scar, and John frowned at the sight of it.

"You useless idiot" He whispered to himself. "Look at what've you done, look at him. You broke him you crazy bastard. If you had only arrived a little earlier like you were supposed to instead of being late this wouldn't have happened. What the fuck were you even doing that you arrived so late!? Oh right, drinking. Like the fucking pig you are. Look what happened because of that, you're just like your goddamn father–"

And John gasped, stopping himself. Because he had no memory of the man who was supposed to be his father. He stared at the wall for a few minutes, sweating and shaking, before standing up emotionless and walking towards the door.

"I better get food for Pretty Boy" He told himself, voice dry and empty. "Pretty Boy will probably be hungry when he wakes up"


John bought two slices of pizza for Alexander and a salad for himself that probably contained more calories than any of the hamburgers on the store. He sighed, looking at the sky. It looked like it was going to rain. John smiled, because rain was one of the things he most enjoyed. The sound of the water drops sometimes even managed to quiet down the voices on his head if they were loud enough. It was something beautiful.

He started to walk towards the dorm, when a voice behind him interrupted his plans

"Do you know anything about an Angelica Schuyler?" A deep, feminine voice said behind him.

"And who might you be?" John asked without turning around.

"None of your business, now, do you know her or not?"


He said, and kept walking as the rain started to fall.

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