Blood Still Stains When The Sheets Are Washed

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John was peacefully drinking a weird mix of Sam Adams and Whiskey that he had made on a sippy cup when he heard the door open. Quickly he pulled his sleeves down, covering his scarred arms, and threw the alcoholic drink down the toilet, leaving the sippy cup on the bathroom sink.

He took a book, jumped into the bed and tried to act normal (Or as normal as you can act when you have a very serious mental disorder).

"Hey John" Alexander said, walking through the door.

"Hi Pretty Boy!" He chirped back, happy that his love had finally returned. The boy stood, leaving the heavy book behind, and wrapped his arms around Alex's shoulders, kissing him tenderly.

He loved the fact that he could just do that.

"Did you miss me?" John teased (Was it really a tease? Maybe).

"Of course I did baby" Alex replied, kissing John quickly once again before throwing himself on the comfortable bed.

"You just won't believe who I saw on class today" His boyfriend excitedly said.

"Who?" He asked.

"Angelica!" Alexander exclaimed. "She can already leave her bed and go to class! Isn't that great?"

John had to but the inside of his cheek to keep himself from grinning mischievously, it had been around a month and a half since the shovel had been bought. And finally, it was time to put a use to it.

"Yup, it's great"


Tuesday, 1:43 p.m

John grabbed the shovel tightly, making his knuckles almost go entirely white. He was a little late but he could still do it, he had just seen Angelica walking down the hall, she would come here any second now.

When he heard footsteps coming close to his position behind the wall, John swung the shovel on top of his shoulder. When he was certain that Angelica was just about to pass, he hit her with the shovel, right in the head. He took a step forward, looking at the unconscious body.

He was almost certain the everyone on the building heard his screams when he saw who he really hit.

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