Chasing, Chasing After You

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Chasing after each other under the sheets was starting to make it hard to breathe. The adrenaline, the heat, even the slight suspense makes it feel like a hide and seek game. John loved to win this game, he almost felt like he had monopoly over Alexander's mind. It was just the two of them alone.

After they are done both males lay besides each other panting rapidly. John moved to his side and threw a leg over Alex's body like a lazy dog. Said man chuckled at his partner's action, and started caressing his leg softly.

And then he frowned.

"John" He said

"Hmm?" John hummed. "What's wrong? Want to play again?"

Alexander shock is head slightly. "What are this marks?" he asked, rubbing his thumb gently over the scars. He felt John tense under his touch, and so he looked at him.

Laurens was avoiding his eyes, which was strange. His teeth sank harshly on the tender skin of his lips almost hard enough to draw blood from it. He pulled his lip from between his teeth, and asked the same question once again.

"I'm sorry" Was all that John said. "I broke your promise, Pretty Boy. I'm sorry I've been bad"

Alexander looked at the boy in front of him, he was almost crying, and it broke his heart. He hugged him, and pulled him on top of him. "It's okay" He cooed. "Just– please tell me next time you want to do that, please"

He didn't ask why. It was pointless, he knew that John wasn't okay, how could he be? When he was being haunted by his own mind. He didn't bother to ask, but he promised himself he was going to try to help, he had to. He couldn't let John suffer like he did.

"Okay" John mumbled.


Maria felt like she was running in circles chasing after the solution of this mystery. They where barely any clues, what could've happened to Angelica? She just randomly disappeared after getting out of the hospital, why did that happen? Did she she ran away? No. She wouldn't.

Looking over and over again at the notes she had done, it came to her mind that maybe it all had to do with what got her into the hospital. She had accidentally fallen off the College rooftop. Supposedly. But Angelica didn't have much memory from the incident so was it really an accident? Was the same person behind both of this scenarios? It could be, or maybe she was just becoming crazy because of the lack of sleep, who knows.

Without realizing it she threw some of the papers to the floor, while picking them up she sees a photo. It had been the picture from the camera recordings from that cute little coffee shop, the owners had been nice enough to let her keep it. In the picture there were two guys sitting by Angelica, and they were eating and chatting. It all seemed like a normal scene to her. Right when she was going to put the picture away, her mind started racing. That boy with freckles looked oddly...


She shouldn't be getting distracted with meaningless things but this is what happens when you have a touch of ADD. Chewing her nails she thought about it for a few minutes while staring at the wall.

And then it clicked.

She pulled out a box for old things from her closet and looked for her Elementary school yearbooks.

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