5, 6, I'm Done With This

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TW: Some blood and implied cannibalism. I swear it's not as bad as it sounds..Maybe.

With heavy eyelids she opens her eyes at the sound of panting and yelps of discomfort. Laying on the wall, is a boy, she can't really see his face because of the almost complete darkness enveloping the room. Though she can't see the male's face, she can see what he's doing.

With a sharp knife he cuts line after line from his freckled forearms to his thin wrists, the blood falls to the floor like a dirty park fountain and even though his breathing is quick and his lip is being bitten he doesn't seem to care about the pain he must be feeling. Angelica closes her tired eyes tightly and lowers her heavy head at the sight, trying to keep herself from puking.

Such a small movement made the man notice she wasn't on a peaceful sleep anymore. He moves closer, the blood from his arms dripping on the cold floor, and Angelica trembles with fear. Just as she begins to recognize his face she remembers.


"Yeah, that's my name, glad you know it" He chirps, apparently she had spoken his name out loud.

"What am I doing here?" She asks, hiding her fear the best she can.

"You are here because you've sinned" John simply explains. "And now you must be punished"


"We are gonna start with a simple game!" He says excitedly. "I call it "Which Limb Will Go First". Don't worry, you won't bleed to death, yet, I'm actually very good at wrapping wounds" He smiles at the trembling girl.

"John, please, let's talk this out" She pleads.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible. Now, shall we start?"


John takes a shaky breath before entering the oh so very white hospital room, the same he has been going for a few days now, missing classes if it's necessary. He pushes the door and inside of the room he sees Alexander, his beautiful Alexander alive and wide awake.

"Pretty Boy" He breathes.

"Do I know you..?" John was just about to panick but—

"Shit, wait— You're my boyfriend right? Jack?"

"John, actually" He smiles, hiding the fact that he was about to have an actual heart attack.

"Shit" Alex exclaims. "I actually got lucky" He says, making John giggle.

"I'm so glad you're awake" John confesses, kissing his lover sweetly. Alex is surprised by the sudden display of affection but he reciprocates anyways.

"I bought food in case you were awake, which you are" He smiles sheepishly, giving Alexander a paper plate with a little bit of rice and meat.

"This looks delicious Jack— I mean John" He says. "What's the meat?"

"I think it's chicken leg"

A/N: Man do I love scaring you guys and making you believe everything is going to the absolute hell when it isn't.

Also thanks undertaleships4evr for the idea <3

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