Chapter 1

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My mouth fell to the ground. WHAT THE HELL!?!?!? SOON TO BE WIFE!?!?!? He has got to be joking! Right?

After he saw my expression his cocky grin came back and I couldn't help but ask "What do you mean 'to be your husband'?"

"Well" he started " when a boy and a girl are are in love and they want to spend eternity together-"

"Shut the hell up I know how marriage works! I want to know why you are my husband since I have no idea who the hell you are."

He held out his hand and said "I'm Tyler." I just grunted and walked away from him to figure what was going on. Suddenly he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder as if I was a sack of flour.

"PUT ME DOWN!!!!" He just laughed at me and continued towards my house. Once he entered I heard voices in the living room. Luckily enough that after screaming so much I finally become sober.

Tyler walked to my mom and a woman around her age in a pink jumpsuit and said "I'm gonna take Talia upstairs and explain the situation."

"Okay sweetie." I hear the woman say. What the hell is my mom doing!? Making me marry some guy I don't even know.

Tyler climbs the stairs and enters my room. OK WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!?!? I am so confused.

He FINALLY puts me down on my bed. the only problem was is he already locked all the doors so there was no escape but that didn't stop me from fighting. I started to get up and try to get out but he was to quick for me. Before I knew it he was straddling me, using one hand to hold my hands above my head and started to laugh.

"What are you doing? Are you mental or something you piece of shi-" I couldn't say anything else before he smashed his lips onto mine. I was stunned for a few seconds before I started to fight but in the position we are in I doubt I will be able to get out anytime soon. He tries to push his tongue through my mouth but I keep my lips in a firm line and refuse to kiss him back.

He keeps trying before he says "Kiss me back Talia."

I don't kiss him back but do say "Tell me what's going on with this marriage thing."

"Not until you kiss me back." He was relentless. Since I'm desperate to find out about the situation I kiss him back. I have to admit that he is an amazing kisser and I really don't want him to stop though. We continue to move our lips in sync until he swipes is tongue on my lip for entrance to my mouth. I know I'm pushing it but I keep kissing him while he keeps begging for entrance.

"Talia" He says in the most sexiest voice I have ever heard. I still refuse him access until he plugged my nose. I did my best not to hard not breath through my mouth but I couldn't hold my breath any longer and had to breath. He took his opening as quick as it came and plunged his tongue in my mouth. He was so infuriating it was unbelievable annoying yet cute. OK I'm going crazy I have to stop before we go any further. I kiss him the best I can which makes him loosen his hold- thinking I was liking this (I might be a little bit)- just enough for me to slip free and stop the kissing. It was the best make out session I have ever had, it was the only make out session I have ever had. Now that I'm thinking clearly I realized he just stole my first kiss from me. THAT BASTARD!

While I am still under him, both of us trying to catch our breath, I say to him "Now explain the damn marriage."

AUTHOR: Hey guys just updated again! I really hope you guys enjoy my story. Please tell your friends because I could use all the votes/ comments I can get :)

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