Chapter 11

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We just arrived at the apartment building and it was simple. It was just basically a brick building on the nice side of the neighborhood. Luckily there is a grocery store down the streets so we can go get groceries anytime. When we entered it seemed like the entrance in a retirement home. There was the receptionist's desk and a pretty redhead with blue eyes sat behind. She looked up and batted her eyelashes at Tyler. Slut. Tyler went up to her a smiled and said "Hella Sarah this is my fiancé and soon to be wife Talia. Can I get an extra key for her?"

She flicked her eyes to me as if just noticing me. She said "So nice to meet you," you could literally hear the sarcasm in her voice, I just hope Tyler could to "and Tyler, darlin', of course I can get and extra key for your" She looked at me and sneered when saying "fiancé."

She reached into her desk and got a key out. She had a red slushy on her desk and she quickly looked at it and knocked it over while giving me the key. The slushy went all over my shirt and I just gasped in surprise. Tyler grabbed the key quickly and grabbed my hand. We walked away with Sarah smiling and giggling with her work on me.

Tyler dragged me into the elevator and clicked the top floor. When the doors closed Tyler turned to me and asked "Are you okay?" I nodded my head still surprised at what happened. The elevator seemed to drag on forever until we reached the top floor. We were on the 6th floor and the first room to the left.

When I entered I was aww struck at the sight. It had the new yet country yet homey feeling. It had all kinds of colors like red, blue, purple, green, and even orange. I looked at Tyler smiling a little when I remembered his favorite color was orange.

Tyler grabbed my hand and led us to our room. It had a red bed, a dark wooden dresser, and a walk-in closet. Tyler immediately took off his shirt saying "Here put this on and I'll get your luggage." I just stared at his abs. It looked so amazing and I had my jaw dropped. I quickly looked away before I got caught. He just smirked at me and left it at that.

I looked at the shirt then at him then said "I can't wear this. I can just wear my clothes when you get back. Your not just gonna go walk around screwing Sarah, right?" I was terrified that something had would happen if he and Sarah were alone downstairs. He looked at me as if I were nuts. He grabbed my waist and brought my body to his but didn't get the slushy on my shirt onto his. He kissed me slowly and passionately. His tongue entered my mouth smoothly while we fought for dominance even thought I never end. We were kissing for about 10 minutes before finally pulling away.

He looked deeply into my eyes and said "I want you to wear my shirt. I'm hoping you will wear my shirt from now on though, you are my fiancé and I would never want you to wait so long to get a shirt when you can wear mine and I can grab another from the closet. As for screwing Sarah, the day I do that is the day the world ends in fire and we all die painfully. I would never do that to you.

He gave me one last kiss before he grabbed a shirt and left. I looked at the door were he left after he declared if never hurting my heart. Even if he didn't say it out loud I know that was what he meant.

I took off my shirt then put his on. I felt weird with my clothes so I put on shorts that reached 1/4 way down my thigh since Tyler's shirt reached above my knee by about a centimeter. There was no way I was going to just wear the shirt with my fiancé here.

I went to the living room and watched some tv when I heard the door open and I saw Tyler walk in.

~Tyler POV~


I went to the elevator excited to get that bitch fired. I mean first she was mean to my wife and she didn't even try to hide her sarcasm when meeting her. Then she knocked her slushy onto Talia and laughed. She laughed at her for knocking over her drink on her. Finally she openly flirted with me and I was freaked out. I mean even after I told her I was sharing the apartment and introduced her to my fiancé she still thought she had a chance with me. She is just a slut and a bitch.

When I walked out of the elevator I saw her flirting with another guy. She really is a slut. I walked up to her while she was talking and she stopped and turned to me. I asked her quickly where the managers office was and she pointed me into the right direction. I said a quick thanks and quickly walked away.

When I reached the office I knocked and entered when I heard a come in. Luckily the manager was a guy so I didn't have to deal with a lady getting offended. He smiled at me and offered me a seat. I took it and quickly said "I want you receptionist fired." The manager just smirked at me and said "Me too."

I was amazed. I didn't think it would be this easy. The manager explained that she flirts with all the males in the building and purposely spills things on their partners. I smiled and asked how soon could they find a replacement and he said he would fire her after this. I said thank you and left.

I didn't even get a second glance back at the manager or the receptionist when I heard her crying why she was fired. I just smirked when I exited the building to get Talia's luggage but when I entered instead of seeing Sarah I saw a scrawny little guy working the desk. I went up and said "Are you the new receptionist?" He nodded his head and asked "Mind my rudeness but who are you?"

"I'm one of the residents here and this," I pulled out my phone showing him a picture if Talia and continued saying "is my fiancé who lives with me. Please don't try anything on her okay?" I don't want to run into the same problem with the previous receptionist so I'm prepared this time. It's better to be safe than sorry.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that. I have a wife and a child at home and I'm very dedicated to them." I smiled at him. At least his is truthful.

"Well between you and I I'm hoping for a kid sometime with my fiancé after we are married. and by the way I'm Tyler." I stuck out my hand waiting for a shake. When he did he said "I'm Jason. Have a good day."

I replied with a you too and left. The elevator took me to my floor and I entered with Talia's things.

AN: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was busy with a lot of homework and projects. Forgive me if I don't update in a while cause I can't predict the future that is my homework life. Now to my friends that are reading this that are at my school don't you dare comment about the receptionist's name or I will rain JavaScript on you. Please vote, comment and tell more people about my story so I can get more views!

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