Chapter 3

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When I woke up this morning there was a strong arm around me. WHAT THE HE- then I remembered, Tyler was suppose to be my husband soon. I turn over, careful not to wake him, and look at his face. He seems so relaxed with his lips parted and his eyes scrunched together. Tyler is snoring very softly, almost as if he made no noise at all. I forgot to mention this before but Tyler has dark curls all around his head. Last night they were as sexy as hell. Right now they are a cute sexy. There is a curl in his eyes and I carefully remove it and put it back with the rest. I don't know how much longer I lie here but I can't tear my gaze away from his face. I am still in shock of how I got into marrying him. I'm not one for focusing on beauty quality but Tyler is just so irresistible it's hard not to love his features.

"Are you going stare at me all day or are we going to talk?" His voice startled me so much that I swear I jumped a foot in the air. Thankfully his arm held me down but while he was doing that he pushed my body closer to his while he snuggled his head into my neck. Damn this boy is sexy!

"Well since your awake now then let's talk and I will start with 20 questions. What is your full name?"

"Tyler Edward Swugner." I couldn't help but laugh a little. When I see his face he had a look of confusion on his face.

"S-sorry," I stuttered out "It's just I never heard of the last name Swugner." I burst out laughing again and I couldn't stop. My sides hurt so much I was starting to cry. After about 5 minutes later I calm down enough to look at Tyler. He had a slight smirk on his face and I could feel my cheeks start to heat up.

"No one has ever laughed so much at my last name before."

"Sorry." I look down at his chest from embarrassment. I could feel him looking down at me. He places his finger under my chin and lift my head up to look him straight in the eyes. He looked at me so sweetly and then he grinned with a look of mischief in his eyes.

" I don't mind your laughing since your name will soon be Talia Verrana Swugner." He whispered those words while he buried his face back into my neck. Again I have forgotten that I'm marrying this cheeky bastard. "Anyway now it's my turn to ask a question. What is your favorite food?"

I think a bit before I answer "Alligator. Whenever I go down to Florida to visit my relatives I always get alligator there. I wish they had alligator here." He smiles at me and listened to me like it was the most interesting thing in the world. "So what is your favorite color?"

He was thinking so much his forehead was all scrunched together. Without thinking I reach a hand up to his face and attempt to smooth out the lines. He then looks at me with a small smile on his face. "Orange." He finally answers.

"Orange? Isn't that an odd color to be your favorite?"

He puts on a face of fake hurt. "Are you denying my love for the color orange? I will like to hear your favorite color!"

"My favorite color is . . . a tie between baby blue and electric green." He just smiled at me like I was the craziest person in the world. I just smirked back and stuck out my tongue at him. He caught my tongue between his . . . his teeth? We looked at each other both surprised at his sudden action. We stare at each other for a few more minutes before he slowly let go of my tongue and muttering a "sorry" under his breath.

"It's okay. Sometimes we do stuff before we realize what we are doing. I mean I do that all the time." He smiled back at me so huge I thought his face would break.

Before he could answer my question there was a knock on the door. "Are you kids up yet?" I hear my mother call for us. Tyler and I both look at each other before I get up and answer the door.

My mom stood in front of me in a black and white dress with white heels on. She had a briefcase in her hand meaning she would be gone till tomorrow morning. She looks from me to Tyler then back to me and says "I'm off to a conference in Colorado and I won't be home until two days before the wedding. I left a note on the table explaining everything and Tyler if you don't mind I would like to speak with my daughter alone downstairs." Tyler looks from my mom to me while raising an eyebrow. I look at him hopefully he gets the hint that I will be fine.

Luckily he did see the look "I'm perfectly fine with it Mrs. Cortella." With that I follow my mom downstairs wondering what she wanted to talk about.

~Tyler's POV~

As I watch my fiancé walk with her mother out the door I couldn't help but smile to myself. I'm getting married! I'm just sad that Talia didn't recognize me. Either she forgot or just didn't want to remember. I really hope that history won't repeat itself but since she is going to be my wife what did I have to worry about?

I hate that I lied to Talia about not picking the bride. The only thing that was true was that my mom did want to set up a marriage but luckily she let me pick it. I couldn't stop smiling from this morning. Talia was in my arms and she didn't try to move away once. I know she is an amazing girl when you get to know her but I didn't expect her to open up so quickly! She looked at me so innocently that I wanted to kiss her so badly. I guess I have to wait awhile. Her face when I caught her tongue between my teeth was priceless. Her eyes were so wide I thought they would pop and I didn't even know I was going to do it till I did. I know I'm probably acting like a dick right now but I don't regret doing it one bit. I finally get up after hearing the front door close and head downstairs to see what I missed.

AUTHOR: Hey guys so I added a new POV!! :D I will be going back and forth between POV from a little at a time to a lot. Thanks for reading!!!!

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