Chapter 10

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I just woke up in Tyler's arms and let me say that it as the best feeling in the entire world. It would have been better if my mom wasn't barging into my room and yelling at me to leave and never come back. Seriously? Just cause I didn't message her?

"Talia you are not to come back to this house ever again. You take your stuff and leave right now! I can't live in the same house with a daughter like you and-" Ok mom I get the point. I might as well get this done and over with.

"MOM! I get it Ok? I will leave with all my stuff. I'm sure I can find a place to live." She looked at me dumbfounded for a second. She must have thought I would have fought with her to stay here. Suddenly her lips curled up into an evil sneer. Just like the ones you see in cartoons.

"Well, little girl, where are you going to go? You don't have enough money to keep a place of your own and I bet Tyler here doesn't want a disgusting creature like you with him before marriage." Ok so that one stung a little I blinked fast so the few tears in my eyes wouldn't leave.

I opened my mouth to reply but Tyler must have been hearing the conversation because he said "Talia is going to live with me in my apartment. My mom gave it to me for an early wedding present for me and Talia. I would never leave my fiancé out on the streets to rot and if anyone is a disgusting creature then it's you for thinking of Talia that way and thinking I wouldn't care for my fiancé with all my heart. For all I care you can go die in a hole while I marry the girl I care for most in the world."

Silence. That's all we here for about 5 minutes before my mom mutter hurry and leave soon and left us to pack. I just had my mouth hanging open in utter surprise. I knew Tyler had his mean side like the first time I met him, but I didn't think he would go there with my mother. I was in between shock of him actually talking to my mom like that and . . . I'm honestly a little flattered. No one has ever stood up to my mother. Ever.

His eyes were still closed when I gently placed a kissed on his lips. He had a small smile on his face when I pulled away. "That was for being the only person to stand up to my mother."

WHACK! I smacked him upside of his head for being so cruel. I didn't know he was going to stand up to her but I didn't expect his cruel side to show with a sprinkle if his nice side. He groaned and finally opened his eyes while scowling at me. He asked "What was that for? I thought I was the good guy here!" I smiled a little cause he seemed disappointed that I was mad at him.

"That was for being so cruel to her! I appreciate you standing up for me but at least tone it down a little! I'm still waking up and now I gotta move into a new place. I still don't know where to live though."

He looked at me like it was the simplest thing in the world. "You are living with me no question about it. We are getting married soon and besides we would be living there anyway. My mom got it for us to live in. It has one of everything we need; a bathroom, a bedroom, and a living room, a dining room, and a kitchen all opened in space with no separating doors. If we want to have a family later on, of course I wouldn't object, we can get something bigger." He had this dreamy smile on his face as if he could see our lives with kids. I will admit I always wanted biological kids but I'm just scared of the process to get there.

I have always been insecure about my body. The skimpiest thing I ever wore was a tank top and shorts. Now I have to show my body more since Tyler and I are getting married, not to mention we are living together. I know this is going to be a big change for the both of us but I just don't know why he is being so persistent on this. I mean we are living together after we get married so what's the difference between then and now?

"Uh I don't know." I bit my lip not knowing what to do. I have two options. The first is I live with him and he thinks I am going to listen to whatever he says. The second is I could live somewhere else until after the wedding and he could feel like I regretted the decision I said yesterday.

"Look, I can't even think of living in that apartment without you by my side day and night. I want to wake up with you, make breakfast with you, watch TV with you, have lunch with you, have fun with you by walking round town, have dinner with you, have dates with you and go to sleep with you just to have that special something all over again. And besides if you won't come because of some fear then I will pack for you and carry you out of here over my back." He smirked at me at that last statement.

I smiled at him and said dramatically "If I must!" He then smiled so huge I could barely see his eyes. He put me under him to give me a fast longing kiss before jumping off to get my things. I just smiled and fell back asleep. I don't care what he sees cause there isn't any lingerie or anything special in there to get me embarrassed. I dreamed of what life would bring to Tyler and I. Would we last forever? I sure hope so! Would we have children? I want at least 2 daughters with him.

I felt a pair of lips pressing against mine and a tongue try to pry them open. I just pushed my lips into a straight line to see what he would do. He growled at me which made me laugh a little. Tyler moved away, pried my mouth open with his hands then placed his mouth on mine so no matter what his tongue got into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his mouth closer to mine. Our heated session only lasted a few minutes before I pulled him away and said "We should probably go to the new apartment before we end up stuck in here all day.

He groaned and mumbled a fine before pulling me off the bed. He grabbed my brown and teal polka dotted suitcase and my hand and led me down the stairs. Thank goodness I didn't see my mom when we left. While he put my suitcase in the car I smiled at finally escaping my mother. After Tyler got into the car I went to the passenger side and opened the door. I turned around and yelled "FREEDOM!" before jumping into the car and yelling "DRIVE! DRIVE! DRIVE!"

Tyler and I both laughed and he started driving to the new destination where my life will some what start anew.

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