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~Talia's POV~

*Be warned there is intimate parts at the very end of this chapter*

The day is finally here! It's my wedding day! I'm so terrified I can barely eat anything, like I could anyway. Sarah dragged me away at 5 in the morning to get ready. Neither me nor Tyler was amused. She took me to her house and told me to only eat crackers and water so I wouldn't spoil me appetite. I can't wait until to reception to eat real food.

"Ahhhh!" I scream as Sarah keeps pulling my hair. It fucking hurts after a while.

"Calm down will yah only 2 hours to go until you can marry your hubby." I sighed and rolled my eyes waiting patiently waiting for her to finish this torture.

Anyway the last few days Tyler and I have been looking at flowers, placements, colors, and anything else you could think of for a wedding. Oh, and there is my wedding dress and I am in love with it. It is tight fitting around my chest and has an extra light layer over the dress. The dress isn't pure white, it's more of a light tanish yellow color which is close to a white, bit not enough. It is strapless and feels like silk. It reaches all the way to the floor, but since I will be wearing heals, that are the same color, so I will be able to not trip over the dress and make a complete idiot of myself. Tyler has no idea what is looks like because Sarah kicked him out and called Chris to drag him away. I swear that boy is so damn possessive.

We also decided that the colors for the wedding will be red, black and silver. Tyler and I would pick out things only in those colors. We have red roses for the center of every table except ours, which will have red and black roses. The tablecloths will be black at each table, but ours will be silver. Then everyone's silverware is obviouly silver. I am loving the designs that we have. Then we both have our song that plays when we become husband and wife. I will never tell until it happens! I mean come on, Who doesn't love a little suspense? Tyler decided that his tie will be silver while Chris', who is Tyelr's best man, is black and I decided the Sarah, my maid of honor, with have red dress on. The people invited to the wedding are Tyler's family which includes aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and other imidiate family. I have only Sarah and my grandparents on my side since they are the only ones who care about me beside Tyler and Chris.

I want to see Tyler so badly, but I am strayed from him until we meet again to become and official forever coule. I am so surprised of how fast we had fallen for each other. I still dont forgve my mom and I don't think I ever will. I wish we knew each other on different circumstances so that we don't rush this, but I guess we would end up being married anyway.

"I'm done. Now get into that dress of yours and make your soon to be hubby beg woman!' As I started to walk to my dress she smacked my butt in the symbol of woman hood. I laughed as I started to get my dress on. I always have trouble with the zipper because it is angled so weirdly that I can't reach it.

"Hey Sarah, can you zip me up?" I call out as I'm trying to see if I can do it myself without damaging the dress in any way shape or form. Sarah comes up behind me finishing up the rest of the zipper which I couldn't. She looks in the mirror and looks like she is about to cry.

"You look so beautiful!" Sarah exclaimed as she looked at me. I looked myself in the mirror and I can't help but agree a little bit, just a little. I look at my face first as it looks all natural, but I know Sarah did put something on my face. Sarah left my hair down which let my curls bounce free on my back and a little bit on my front. As I continue to look down I see how the dress hugs me perfectly and my skin glows that I'm more radiant than ever before. I look at Sarah and see that she is about to cry.

"Oh come on now, don't cry! You look equally as beautiful!" I exclaimed as I look at her. She had on a bright red dress that matched all the other red stuff Tyler and I picked out. Her lips weren't a deep red, but red enough to make her look beautiful and not slutty. Her hair was up in a bun with a few strands next to her face. The dress also hugged her body perfectly as it was also tight around her chest and a little lower, then if has a lot of extra layers where it had a lot of ruffles that reached her knees. Sarah smiles at me and starts to drag me out.

"Come, let us go to see your happy day" Sarah says as we walk to the church where the wedding is being held.

Time seemed to fly as it is my turn to walk down the isle. I breath in and out slowly trying calm my speeding heart. Soon the doors open and the song everyone knows, starts to play while everyone stands to see me walk down the isle. I slowly look up to see Tyler look him looking back at me with love and hunger, for something I think other than food. When I reach him he takes my hands in his and mouthes "I love you." I smile and mouth the same back to him.

The wedding seemed to drag on slowly so when it came to the "I do's" Tyler and I both spoke them rather quickly which caused laughter among everyone. Finally we were pronounced us "Husband and wife" Tyler immidiately took action and kissed me with so much passion I smiled and kissed him the same way back. The kiss lasted about 5 seconds before we pull away to hear the applauding of the audience we forgot about.

As we traveled to the reception I can tell Tyler is a little riled up because he keeps making small movements that tells me he wants me tonight, and not the way we have been so far. We walk in and the reception is dragging on like the wedding. Tyler and I have our dance which had our song "A Thousand Miles" I swear I love the song so much I sometmes feel like crying with how loving it is.

Finally after the excrutiatingly long day it's time for Tyler and I to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon. We leave rather quickly and sooner than we know it we landed in Hawaii ready to go to our suite wear we will relax, and maybe do something else. Tyley quickly gets everything to our room and grabs the key to our honeymoon suite and we started towards the elevator. He stands behind me while rubbing his hard-on against my ass. I pretend that I don't feel it as I hold back my moan.

When we get to the room I am barely able to look around as Tyler lifts me up over his should and carefully takes my dress off and puts it on the chair with me still over his shoulder. Don't ask me how he did all I know is that I was thrown onto the bed next. He quickly takes all of his clothes off and takes my panties off also then climbs over me.

He whispers in my ear "If you want me to stop then let me know before I continue to make slow love to you." I didn't say a thing as he kissed down my body until he gets to my you-know-what-section and he slowly licks me and I moan very loudly that I'm surprised noboy has ccome to check on us, then again we are the only room on this floor anyway. He keeps on sucking and licking me that I am a moaning and withering mess. He then sticks two of his long fingers inside of me and makes me moan very loudly.

He moves away from my section and goes back to kissing my mouth deeply. When I was about to come he removed his fingers and then stuck his huge erection inside. I screamed out in pain and dug my nails into his arms while he pushed fastly inside of me. He shushes me and whispers soothing words while I try to get used to his enormous size. I mean seriously who is that big down there!?

"Hey you are going to be fine. I had to push in fast so it wouldn't hurt for as long since it would hurt more if I went slowly" Tyler spoke. As I listened to his sweet words I started to relax. He kissed me deeply as he pulls out slowly and does the same pushin back in. I still felt pain, but then I started to feel the pleasure that is making love.

He kept pushing in and out for a while until I moaned and broke away from the kiss to moan "Faster." He smirked and plunged so fast into me I start to see stars. I swear it felt like heaven. WIth him pulling in and out of me it brought a whole new world of pleasure.

"So tight! Fuck!" Tyler almost screamed as he rottated his hips so he was plunging inside of me while he gave us both pleasure. Tyler placed mouth on my neck and started to suck while he plunged into me as hard as he could.

I arched my back and moaned Tyelr's name while I let my juiced spill. Tyler pumped himself inside of me a few more time before he mumbly grunted "Talia" before he exploded inside of me. He kept pumping himself in and out of me to long last the pleasure of our high. Tyler layed down beside me and he was still inside of me.

Even after 10 minutes we were still breathing hard. After another 10 minutes Tyler finally said "I love you Talia Swugner."

I smiled at him and said "I love you Tyler Swugner." I smile knowing that my life will be complete with him now in my life. We both fall into a peaceful sleep with him still inside me. He will always be with me either physically, emotionally and permantely.


I fianlly finished it! Sorry if some of you are disappointed, but I really wanted to start a werewolf love story. The story is now up! It's called Bullied to a Werewolf's Mate? Please check it out. Thanks for reading!

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