Chapter 7

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~Tyler's POV~

What thee hell did I just do!? Damn hormones! I ran after her, banging on her door begging for her to let me in and explain. I gave up after 5 minutes. Why did I take it that far!? I should have waited instead I acted like a stupid bastard.

I sat outside her door and before I knew it I started to cry. Why did I have to mess everything up with a girl I like? Why am I such a douche bag? Only if she knew my true feelings. I am such an idiot. I don't know how long I stayed out here crying but I stopped when I felt small arms wrap around me. I looked up not bothering to wipe my tears. "Talia" I said it so relieved that she was here. I had to tell her my feelings sooner or later otherwise everything will fall apart. She looked me in the eyes and look so sad.

"Why were you crying? Was it because of what you were doing before I left?"

I nodded and also said "That and for me not taking anything slow. We known each other for what? A day? And I'm acting like I'm some player around you. I'm sorry I took it to far but I'm going to show how much you mean to me from now on. And I know how to start." A plan started to form in my head and I felt myself smile. "Get dressed in some jeans and a top and meet me downstairs in 5 minutes. I kissed her on the cheek leaving her stunned self looking after me. Today is the day to start our relationship for real.

~Talia's POV~

Tyler rushed to his room and in 2 minutes he was out. He had on black jeans and a light grey shirt. The shirt hugged his abs so perfectly I could melt. He didn't even acknowledge me when he rushed by. Instead of peeking my curiosity I went into my (probably our since Tyler is going to be sleeping with me for awhile or should I say the rest of my life) room and changed. I put on blue jeans with rips in them and but on a hot pink top. I grabbed my purse and headed out of the room.

When I came into the living room I saw a note on the table. It read:

To my dearest girl,

You are mine now and forever.

I want to show you just how much I care about you,

So I am sending you on a quest.

You will go around this living room until you find my next note.

That note will bring you a step closer to me.

HINT: the next note is where we mostly kiss and you having a grudge against me sitting in your chair.


That note gave me the perfect idea of where to look. I immediately went to my chair and found the next note. I always loved this chair because it's where I know no one will hurt me. When my dad attacked me I never was on this couch, I was always on the other one that when lying down I just barely touch both ends of the couch. This note read:

Ok so you probably will be out soon so I will keep this short.

I'm going to show you something meaningful to me though.

Please don't judge nor don't leave because I can't stand others to leave me.

Come out of the house and to the car so I can take you to my favorite childhood place.


I stood there stunned a few minutes before reading the note again. I can't keep my curiosity inside me. What happened during his childhood? Why is he worried that I will leave? And why am I desperate to just be with him forever? I sprint out of the house and towards his car. He gave me a genuine smile while I rushed to the car.

"Hey are you ready?" I nod my head and he starts the car. We drive off to a destination unknown to the world except Tyler. When we reach our destination all I can say is


The sight was beautiful. There were trees everywhere and there was a beautiful lake that glistens in the sun. I can't take my eyes off of it until I felt the cool air enter the car when Tyler takes off my seatbelt. He takes my hand in his, intertwining our fingers, and walk towards the water. We sit down on a big rock and sit in silence for awhile.

"So I wanted to tell you something important of my past and this is the place I always went when that happened." I nodded my head for him to continue. "So when I was younger my parents used to bully me. Whenever I did the littlest thing bad they would slap, punch, hit, do just about anything to make me feel pain. They did stuff like that since I was six." He started to take deep breathes and I was concerned but before I can stop him he continues with "When I turned thirteen it was I my room wound asleep when I felt something wrap around me. It felt wet and when I looked my mother was. . . she was" When I put my hands on his he looks at me knowing what he meant. "I tried to push her off but she would re-hit the bruises she already gave me. I wither in pain and when she was done she said 'let anyone and I mean anyone know of this and you will never have your first time with anyone because I would cut off your dick.' She left and luckily she never did it again. She became this horrible mother always trying to control my life. Every time I brought home a girl she would diss her so bad my girl would cry, break up and then leave. I snuck around just to piss her off. The furthest I ever gone for sexual attention to a girl is just making out. I wanted to give myself to someone I loved. When we plan for the wedding just be warned she may look nice but will do anything to ruin what you want. If you want something she will force you to do the complete opposite. Just please promise me you won't listen to a word she says. She is crazy and I can't lose you to her." I looked straight into his eyes the whole time and I'm amazed. He just shared his most traumatic event of his life with me and he barely knows me.

I looked straight into his eyes while I straddled him and said "I would rather die listening to her than listening to my fiancé who I am . . ." I look deeper into his eyes and found confusion, desperation, and hope. "Tyler. I'm falling in love with you. I know it is crazy that we know each other for a short amount of time but." I stop there not knowing what else to say. I just admitted my biggest weakness to him and he could torture me of it.

I look down at my hands fiddling with my shirt when his hands reach under my chin to make me look at him again. He opens his mouth and said . . .

AUTHOR: Hey just wanted to give a shout out to all my readers! Thanks so much for believing in me! I also wanted to shout to my whiny friend Hailey from school. You rock girl! And all you people please keep reading and vote and comment!

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