Chapter 16

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I went inside the bathroom planning to take a shower but then I remembered something. I don't know why I didn't figure it out this late but I am glad I remembered.


We were both in second grade and we had almost all of the same classes together. Right now we were in art class and we were sitting next to each other.

Our teacher got up and said "Class today I want you to write a letter to the person you are sitting next to. Write a secret to them that no one else will know, but don't worry, if your partner reveals your secret then they will be expelled from school. You may begin!"

I immediately started to write down my secret of my father. I refuse to explain the other horrible things he does to me. For some reason I feel like I could trust Tyler. We knew each other since kindergarten and have been friends ever since. I do admit that I have a crush on him, but who wouldn't with his adorable curls.

I heard our teacher say "Time's up now switch your letters with your partner. And remember don't speak a word of it to anyone. And also I will not require you to turn these in. This was just and exercise of trust."

Tyler and I switched our papers and I was surprised of what I read. The letter said:

I have always liked you Talia. I know you must seemed stunned by this but it is true. When I first saw your golden hair and blue-green eyes I was stunned. Your beauty is so great I can't even express it.

Honestly I hated being your friend. I always wanted more and I hope that after school before you leave I can ask you a very important question. See ya soon!


I stared at it stunned. I couldn't believe it he actually likes me! I heard the bell ring for the end of the school day so I headed for the doors waiting for my mom and Tyler.

I finally saw him and he was smiling. I saw him walk towards me but then a girl ran from behind me and jumped on him. Before I knew it they were kissing. I was so angry that I tore up the letter he gave me, threw it away and ran into the busy street. I heard someone yell my name before I got hit by a car and everything went dark.

-Flashback Over-

I remember that I lost my memory and that I remembered everything except for him. No wonder I thought of him as a player at first sight. I never did know what happened but I did get over it. I am still over it now. I will be his wife soon so whoever kissed him won't get that chance again.

I smiled to myself as I started to undress and get in the shower. The water felt like heaven on me. I didn't realize though that someone came in here after I started the shower. I only realized it when he said "Hello beautiful."

I turned around only to see Tyler standing there naked. I blushed and quickly turned around. I can't believe he is in the shower here with me. I stuttered out "W-wha- what are you doing here?"

I heard him chuckle saying "Well it is our home."

"You know what I mean!" I was getting quite annoyed with him and a little nervous.

"I'm here because I wanted to save water," I looked back at him over my shoulder making sure to not give away anything except my back which is sadly still showing my butt. "Okay I'm really here because I missed you and wanted to share an intense moment with you. Please turn around." That last sentence struck at my heart. He sounded sad that I wasn't excited about this. Honestly I am terrified because I feel so exposed.

This one time, but probably will not be, I turned around exposing all of me to him. Well I covered my chest and ass as best as I could with my hands. He came up to me, while not covering his "special spot", and kissed me. He put his hands on my waist and brought me closer to him so I could really feel him. He kissed me deeply with passion, but it turned heated when are tongues started to touch each other. He then lifted me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist. I started to grind into him and then I heard his moan. It echoed off of the bathroom walls and it made me feel sparks in a certain region of mine. We grinded against each other before Tyler moaned a "Please Talia."

That stopped everything immediately. I jumped away from him and quickly said "I can't. Not until we are married," He looked disappointed yet understanding. So since I'm still a little wound up I said "but that doesn't mean we can't do other stuff. Once we finish we can both get rid of our," I thought for a minute before hoarsely yet slowly said in his ear "pleasures."

I turned around to finish washing my hair and body while Tyler helped me. I knew he looked at me but I pushed the shyness into the back of my mind since we would be doing some intimate things soon enough. Once I finished I got out and dried off. I heard him come out a minute later, but I still walked to the bed naked.

I wanted to mess with him so I sat on the bed crossed legged and then laid back on my hands. I made sure to put my head back to make sure Tyler noticed all the right parts for us to finish our duties to each other and fiancés. I didn't see him come out, but when he did I heard a loan moan were he said "Fuuuuck."

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