Chapter 2

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Tyler sighed in frustrating saying "Fine." He gets off of me but he seems disappointed that we stopped kissing. He can't like me, can he? No he can't. I mean we just met and I doubt he believes of love at first sight. He seems like a player to me.

Tyler says "So about the marriage, our parents thinks it's a good idea to get married-"

"But I'm 17 years old. I'm not old enough to get married, I didn't even finish high school yet!" He looks so deep into my eyes that it seems he is burning into my soul. His eyes are so gorgeous . . . NO stop it Talia you just met him. He is nothing but a player, but he said we are to be married. I don't know what to believe anymore.

"Talia I know your 17 but your birthday is in a week and everyone agreed that you will get married on your birthday. Since I'm already 18 I have nothing to worry about." I completely forgot about my birthday. I'm not even surprised anymore about how he knows so much stuff about me because I already predicted my mom told him everything. He continued and said "I know this must be a shock to you since you have no idea who I am-"

"Got that right" I rudely butt in.

"But I am willingly going to try and get on your good side since we are spending the rest of our life together. Our mothers thought since we should have the best life possible that they agreed to set up an arranged marriage. We are to move into an apartment together in Chicago, Illinois together. Now before you put this all on me I just found out this morning. I was stunned and it was unbelievable. My mom said we we're suppose to talk about this tonight but since you went out my mom sent me to find you. If your mom didn't tell me about that alley then I would have never find you. Your mom had been worried sick about you the whole time. When I came in she had a look of relief on her face. I'm sorry this happened to you and adding the marriage must add a little shock to it all but I say let's just try to make the best of this, deal?" He holds out his hand waiting for me to shake it. I just stare at it for a while before I shake my hand with his.

"Fine, but I still have to talk to my mom about all of this. But right now all I really want to do is go to bed so if you don't mind . . ." When I looked at the clock it was already one in the morning. I looked at him and he looked nervous. What was he thinking?

"About that," Tyler starts " My mom and yours think that since we are starting to live together they think we should sleep together too." WHAT!?!?!? "I was against it when they said it," I doubt it he is a guy he would always want to sleep with a girl, "but they insisted and I think they were about to cry so I agreed before they started to. We will sleep to whatever your terms are but I will warn you right now I move a lot in my sleep."

This is going to be a long night. The last thing I wanted to do right now was share a bed with a stranger. I didn't even know his full name! I guess tomorrow I can hopefully find out more about him. "Look I don't care where you sleep as long as we both stay on our sides of the bed." He smiles at me from my comment. Since I was still in my shorts and crop top I went to my drawers to look for some pajamas. When I found a top and shorts I grabbed them and went to take a shower. After about 10 minutes I was out of the bathroom with my pajamas on, I went to my bedroom to find Tyler shirtless is my bed under the covers. Please let him have pants on please let him have pants on.

"Before you get worried I do have boxers on," close enough, " now come to bed with your soon to be husband." I hate his stupid cheekiness it is so annoying. All I did was roll my eyes and went to climb into bed. True to his word he did have boxers on but I didn't care about that. I turn around so my back is to him and I move as close to the bed's edge as I could.

I hear him chuckle behind me and saying "You know your going to fall off the bed right?" I don't answer him and pretend I am asleep. I couldn't even sleep because questions keep swarming my head. Why was my mom doing this? Doesn't she have a better reason than just having a good future? I mean I thought your parents wanted you to be happy with the one you love, not setting up a marriage with a complete stranger. I was shuddering in fear yet Tyler took it another way.

He grabbed my waist and dragged me toward him so my back is touching his front. It wasn't a brief touch but a full on spooning with him. I stayed completely still terrified that if I make a move I will regret it. He snuggled closer to me, as if that were possible, and spoke in a deep husky voice " I'm glad my mom chose you as my wife. You are the most interesting," he yawns and then continues "beautiful intelligent girl I have ever met. I hope you can love me as much as I love you." With that he fell asleep with his arm around my waist.

I could barely believe what I heard. He said he loves me! No he must have been extremely tired. I checked the clock and it read 1:30 am. Wow I'm gonna have a hard time getting up tomorrow.

I just tried to forget what he said (I probably never will) and fell asleep dreaming of a handsome blue eyed boy.

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