Chapter 21

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~Talia POV~

I just couldn't believe it! It's so sad! I never knew something like this could make me so sad. I swear the "Fault in Our Stars" movie is the saddest movie I have ever seen. I'm weeping my eyes out and Tyler is doing his best to comfort me. In the distance I heard a door creak open then was slammed shut. Soon I am being ripped out of Tyler's comforting arms and am thrown in Sarah's and Chris'. It was hilarious because it was a mini cage with them. Chris was behind me with his arms outstretched so he could hold hands with Sarah who was in front of me with a pissed off expression.

Sarah shouted "What the hell happened!? I leave for 5 minutes you your making her cry! What is wrong with you? Did you break her heart? You are such an ungrateful brat! How could you make her cry!? Come on Talia lets get you out of this room with this heartless bastard." The whole time I was laughing, but it still looks like I am crying. I swear I cannot wait until she finds out that he didn't do anything to me.

His face made me laugh even harder. He was in a state of confusion, horror and fear. It was so funny I felt my stomach starting to hurt. Sarah dragged me to my room and I couldn't take it anymore so I collapsed onto the bed laughing my heart out. Sarah was so confused which made me laugh even more. Finally after calming down I stopped laughing to only a few hiccups.

"H-h-he didn't do anything. We were watching a m-movie and it was really sad. You barged into the room in time to see me crying. I did love what you said to Tyler though. It was hilarious! Come on we better go out there and explain everything." I was still giggling when we walked out of the room. I was immediately swung into a pair of large warm arms and was being carried like a surfboard.

Tyler started to rant "No way in hell are you taking her away from me! If you try you will never get away with it, you will just have to listen to what happened. An-" I cut him off so he didn't have to be so possessive.

"Tyler! She already knows what happened! Calm down will yah." I was laughing again while he turned red. He carefully put me down. He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the living room to finish the movie.

I turn around when I hear Sarah say "Chris and I are gonna head out we will see you tomorrow." I see Chris' arm around Sarah's waist while they walks out.

I tease them a little bit by yelling "USE PROTECTION!" I heard Tyler chuckle next to me while the door started to shut.

"So," Tyler starts kissing down my neck while speaking saying "What shall we do?" His hand slides up my leg while I try to hold in a laugh of what I was going to do next.

I bit his earlobe, which earned a moan from him, and said "I'm tired and gonna go to bed. Goodnight." I hop up and walk/jog into our room laughing like crazy.

I hear him faintly say "Awww come on!" I hurriedly take a shower and go to bed pretending to fall asleep. I hear him come in and get into bed. He somehow took off his shirt and pants in a matter of 3 seconds for him to get into bed. He slings his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. He kisses my forehead and mutters a goodnight before I fall into a dreamless sleep.

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